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Imagen de apoyo de  Numerical methods for glacial isostatic adjustment models = Métodos numéricos para modelos de ajuste isostático glacial

Numerical methods for glacial isostatic adjustment models = Métodos numéricos para modelos de ajuste isostático glacial

Por: Juan Carlos Araújo Cabarcas | Fecha: 01/01/2013

Nordic countries experience post-glacial rebound, a movement where geographical contours slowly change elevation with respect to the mean sea level. The glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) model aims to explain the phenomena, which combined with seismic data allows geoscientists to reconstruct elastic coefficients and viscosities of the Earth's lithosphere and upper mantle. The use of standard commercial codes are not adequate for GIA simulations and result in significant errors in the displacement field. This negative outcome suggests the development of GIA codes that include advection of pre-stress in the model. The problem set up consists on a solid 2D elastic layer under a flat Earth approximation, described by three different models suggested by current studies in geophysics.For space discretization the mixed finite element method (mFEM) is used and efficient preconditioners are built for the resulting algebraic system in saddle point form. A three level GMRES iterative solution strategy is proposed, based on Schur Complement preconditioners coupled with Multigrid techniques. The implementation is presented as a ready-to-use toolbox that easily deals with problem parameters, geometries, compressible and fully incompressible materials and provides higher accuracy for the displacement field compared with the previously existent codes. It also can be easily extended to 3D geometries and allows the implementation of a viscoelastic mantle. The code is written in C++ using the deal.II library designed for FEM, permitting the use of readily-made software packages, such as Trilinos that are straightforwardly parallelizable.
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Numerical methods for glacial isostatic adjustment models = Métodos numéricos para modelos de ajuste isostático glacial

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Imagen de apoyo de  River dolphins as indicators of ecosystem degradation in large tropical rivers = Delfines de río como indicadores de la degradación de los ecosistemas en ríos tropicales

River dolphins as indicators of ecosystem degradation in large tropical rivers = Delfines de río como indicadores de la degradación de los ecosistemas en ríos tropicales

Por: Catalina Gómez Salazar | Fecha: 01/01/2012

Freshwater ecosystem degradation in the Amazon and Orinoco river basins is increasing due to rising human population numbers, and large water development projects. Therefore, monitoring ecosystem condition in these rivers of high biodiversity is of global conservation importance. This dissertation evaluated the potential of using river dolphins as indicators of ecosystem condition in large tropical rivers of South America. First, population estimates of river dolphins were obtained by line-strip transect surveys and mark-recapture methods on photo-identifications. Using this information, I identified critical habitat, hotspots, and areas of concern for river dolphins, as well as the relationship between dolphin density and group size estimates with ecological features. Second, I evaluated the relationship between dolphin estimates and human stressors.Higher densities of dolphins occurred in rivers with low indices of overall freshwater degradation, such as rivers with high water quality and the lowest human population numbers. Thus, dolphin density estimates seem to be good indicators of freshwater ecosystem degradation in the Amazon and Orinoco basins. These top predators not only are indicator species, but also have the potential to act as flagship and sentinel species, indicating freshwater ecosystem degradation and stimulating conservation action. This dissertation highlights the large changes in the Amazon and Orinoco that are approaching fast. Indicator, flagship and sentinel species can become science-based conservation tools not to only document freshwater ecosystem degradation, but to raise awareness about broader implications of human stressors on biodiversity and river systems.
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River dolphins as indicators of ecosystem degradation in large tropical rivers = Delfines de río como indicadores de la degradación de los ecosistemas en ríos tropicales

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Imagen de apoyo de  The gaps in rural social protection in Colombia: a history of traps and disconnections = Las brechas en la protección social rural en Colombia: una historia de trampas y desconexiones

The gaps in rural social protection in Colombia: a history of traps and disconnections = Las brechas en la protección social rural en Colombia: una historia de trampas y desconexiones

Por: María Alejandra Botiva León | Fecha: 01/01/2011

The persistency of rural poverty along with a widened gap between urban and rural areas, darken the picture of progress in Colombia. This dissertation analyses the state of social protection in rural areas, paying attention to the different instruments available to the government in order to find out whether rural dwellers have effective protection tools against shocks. Using different diagnoses on the determinants of rural poverty, this work identifies the limited scope of the actual social protection system in addressing the many different sources of vulnerability that rural inhabitants have to face in Colombia. In addition, there is a lack of comprehensive rural development strategy to complement the operation of the social protection system in rural settings.  
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The gaps in rural social protection in Colombia: a history of traps and disconnections = Las brechas en la protección social rural en Colombia: una historia de trampas y desconexiones

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Imagen de apoyo de  The perceptions of monoligual spanish parents towards their daughters’ learing process of acquiring a second language and their ideas on how we, as a school can help them through this process

The perceptions of monoligual spanish parents towards their daughters’ learing process of acquiring a second language and their ideas on how we, as a school can help them through this process

Por: Ana María Rojas Nariño | Fecha: 01/01/2009

This research investigated how monolingual Spanish speaking parents perceived their involvement during their daughters’ second language acquisition process, and what they believed the school should do to help them help their daughters. The researcher contacted 25 parents who live in Bogotá- Colombia and then administrated a questionnaire via email.It was found that: (1) Parents want to raise bilingual children in order to prepare them for the future but, (2) their low proficiency level in the second language is the main barrier to be 100 percent involved during the SLA process (3) Parents believe that in order for their daughters to be successful not only in acquiring a second language, but during their school life, both school and parents need to work as a team (4) Mothers, which according to the findings have the lowest proficiency in the second language, are the ones having to help their daughters at home with homework, and therefore the SLA process, adding an extra stress to their everyday household activities (5).The parents of this study know exactly want they want the school to teach them in order to feel proficient when helping their daughters, for that reason, the school needs to take the necessary steps to motivate, support and guide parents to be involved and effective when it comes to helping their daughters learn. Excerpts in both English and Spanish, are presented throughout the research. At the end, limitations of this research and recommendations for future research are stated.
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The perceptions of monoligual spanish parents towards their daughters’ learing process of acquiring a second language and their ideas on how we, as a school can help them through this process

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Imagen de apoyo de  Preferential tariffs and export diversification: the G3 Free Trade Agreement case

Preferential tariffs and export diversification: the G3 Free Trade Agreement case

Por: Nelson Fabián Villarreal Rincón | Fecha: 01/01/2012

Exports concentration in a reduced number of economic sectors has been always a concern for trade policy makers, mostly in developing countries. According to the economic theory and some recent empirical evidence, market access in international trade is improved through free trade agreements and preferential tariff rate programs which could affect positively export diversification. Following a similar approach used by Debaere and Mostashari (2005) and Volpe and Gómez (2007), this paper estimates the effects on Colombia’s export diversification induced by the lower tariffs offered by Mexico and the broader preference margin vis-à-vis third countries in the Mexican market derived from the G3 Free Trade Agreement (FTA).For this purpose, dynamic Probit and dynamic Poisson models are estimated using an unbalanced panel data available from 1995 –year when the G3 FTA entry into force– to 2010, the latest year available. Moreover, this paper also attempts to estimate the effects of Venezuela’s withdrawal from G3 in 2006 and the effects of the bilateral crisis between Colombia and Venezuela in the second half of 2000s. In general, results show that lower tariffs faced by Colombian products in Mexico are associated with higher export diversification but this impact is sensitive to the economic cycle and a negative impact on diversification can arise depending on the specification of the model. Also, broader preferential margins in Mexico induce higher export diversification for Colombian products.However, there exists a strong dependence of export diversification in Colombia on the initial conditions and the past of the export portfolio offered to Mexico. On the other hand, Venezuela’s withdrawal from G3 FTA in 2006 had no effect on export diversification from Colombia to Mexico meanwhile the bilateral crisis showed –in some specifications– positive effects on the export diversification to Mexico, the latter revealing a trade deviation pattern. Macroeconomic control variables –including the real exchange rate– showed to be irrelevant to the model.
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  • Economía

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Preferential tariffs and export diversification: the G3 Free Trade Agreement case

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Imagen de apoyo de  El patrimonio como espacio de conflicto: tensiones en la construcción del patrimonio cultural inmaterial en Barichara, Colombia

El patrimonio como espacio de conflicto: tensiones en la construcción del patrimonio cultural inmaterial en Barichara, Colombia

Por: Luz Andrea Cote Navarro | Fecha: 01/01/2012

El patrimonio cultural se ha tratado de presentar como un espacio de consenso en el que afloran los acuerdos en cuanto a la identidad de una sociedad. Los cambios en la concepción de ‘cultura’, y consecuentemente del patrimonio cultural, trasladaron la atención del objeto patrimonial a la patrimonialización, entendiendo ahora el patrimonio como una construcción social y una producción cultural en la que se presentan convergencias y divergencias relativas a las distintas versiones de identidad involucradas, los criterios para la designación de los bienes patrimoniales y los usos de dicho patrimonio. El carácter de constructo del patrimonio permite encontrarse con un entramado de tensiones que lo convierte en lo que Bourdieu ha denominado un “campo”.El patrimonio cultural inmaterial es un tema propenso a consensos y disensos por las dificultades que han representado tanto su definición como la determinación y aplicación de medidas de protección, salvaguarda, fomento o viabilidad, pero sobre todo porque potencia la participación social al residir dicho patrimonio en las personas y/o comunidades. Barichara, Santander, es un pueblo que se presenta en el discurso turístico como un apacible destino colombiano en el que existe un total acuerdo sobre el hecho de que la valía del municipio reside en su patrimonio construido, en sus oficios artesanales y en su capacidad creadora. No obstante, al aproximarse a la vida cotidiana de sus habitantes se descubren una serie de tensiones que emanan de un proceso dinámico de construcción social del patrimonio inmaterial, acelerado por el crecimiento del turismo y, especialmente, por la llegada de nuevos habitantes que han elegido este lugar como sitio de primera o segunda residencia.El escenario para las tensiones se hace fértil debido a la falta de aplicación de las políticas nacionales y departamentales, y la ausencia de políticas locales, expresamente culturales y, también, transversales. Este texto busca identificar y describir los actores involucrados en el proceso de construcción social del patrimonio cultural inmaterial en Barichara - específicamente en lo relativo a oficios artesanales-, las nociones y criterios explícitos o implícitos que rigen dichos procesos, y los principales ámbitos de tensión que de ello se derivan.
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El patrimonio como espacio de conflicto: tensiones en la construcción del patrimonio cultural inmaterial en Barichara, Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Assesment of Geotechnical process on the basis of sustainability principles

Assesment of Geotechnical process on the basis of sustainability principles

Por: Mauricio Jiménez | Fecha: 01/01/2004

The main idea of this project is to identify possible indicators to evaluate civil engineering works that involves geotechnical techniques. Furthermore, the idea to encourage the developing of new technologies using as base, properly process that are available at the moment, might be attempt. However, to find these indicators of sustainable geotechnical engineering is the principal objectives of the project. In general words, the objectives of this thesis are:In base of sustainable indicators from different areas such as economics, water management, environment regulations, productivity in the industrial field among others, adapted and developed indicators for geotechnical engineering field.According with the sustainable geotechnical requirements, proposed new indicators relevant for this field.Validate and prove the use of the mentioned indicators with a case study and apply them to analyze their results.Develop an evaluation model to summaries and illustrated the indicators performance.Show the viability of new technologies confronting to regular procedures.This dissertation has found an important and fundamental tool for geotechnical engineers that want to go further that the actual design parameters. Moreover, the necessities to supply the present requirements are covering with the use of sustainability geotechnical evaluation model (S.G.E.M) that is the final result of this dissertation.
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Assesment of Geotechnical process on the basis of sustainability principles

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Imagen de apoyo de  ‘Connecting The Dots’ An answer to the question: ‘Is it reasonable to expect major global companies to develop ‘sustainable business strategies’ to deliver benefits for the Triple Bottom Line – People / Planet / Profit?’

‘Connecting The Dots’ An answer to the question: ‘Is it reasonable to expect major global companies to develop ‘sustainable business strategies’ to deliver benefits for the Triple Bottom Line – People / Planet / Profit?’

Por: Diana Catalina Montes Reina | Fecha: 01/01/2014

The purpose of this essay is to explain why it is not only reasonable but also necessary for companies that aim to survive in the long term, to adapt to the shifts that have happened in the market by embedding a system thinking and becoming sustainable businesses, through the adoption of sustainable business strategies that deliver benefits for the Triple Bottom Line.This paper first describes the current situation of the Earth, it will also describe the existing criticism towards businesses and the raising expectations for business acting as a source of long-term solutions and change. Subsequently, it exposes the main reasons why it has been so difficult for businesses to see a business case for sustainability. Finally, this essay demonstrates that to survive in the long term it is of vital importance for companies to embed sustainable business strategies and sustainable business models that deliver benefits for the Triple Bottom Line.
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‘Connecting The Dots’ An answer to the question: ‘Is it reasonable to expect major global companies to develop ‘sustainable business strategies’ to deliver benefits for the Triple Bottom Line – People / Planet / Profit?’

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Imagen de apoyo de  WaveNET efficiency improvement (hexagonal array wave energy converter system) = Optimizacion de la eficiencia de sistema WaveNET (sistema convertidor de energía mareomotriz de arreglo hexagonal)

WaveNET efficiency improvement (hexagonal array wave energy converter system) = Optimizacion de la eficiencia de sistema WaveNET (sistema convertidor de energía mareomotriz de arreglo hexagonal)

Por: Héctor Fabián Reyes Parada | Fecha: 01/01/2013

The following report describes the work done during my internship in AlbaTERN Ltd, a company focused in the design and construction of wave energy devices that capture energy from ocean waves and convert it into sustainable low- carbon electricity. A background of existing research in the area of Wave Energy conversion and its potential around the world is given in the first chapters. The main objective of my thesis has been support the design and construction of a unique wave energy conversion system constructed from multiple SQUID modules in a hexagonal array configuration.The project has been focused to look specifically at improving the hydraulic energy conversion efficiency, the feasibility of auto-setting operational variables according to the sea conditions, and the overall adaptability of the design to suit the specifications of the site and power requirements. Simulations using SimHydraulics have been developed to assess the design an optimal Hydraulic energy conversion system. With the output of the several simulations and hydraulic laboratory tests have been possible the sizing of its different components, and the design of special manifold blocks with self-setting hydraulic control, reducing the quantity and complexity the electronic devices for the general control.The key challenge facing the Wave Energy conversion Industry is lowering the cost of energy generation, where is required research and Development in order to design a device with high efficiency, high availability and low cost for the mass production. So achieving a viable wave energy future depends as much upon developing a technology that can be rapidly and economically scaled to high volume production. This project provides a solid foundation for scaling WaveNET arrays in excess of 10 MW.
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WaveNET efficiency improvement (hexagonal array wave energy converter system) = Optimizacion de la eficiencia de sistema WaveNET (sistema convertidor de energía mareomotriz de arreglo hexagonal)

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Imagen de apoyo de  Automatic or semi-automatic segmentation of tree crowns in tropical forest from high resolution images and laser scans

Automatic or semi-automatic segmentation of tree crowns in tropical forest from high resolution images and laser scans

Por: Claudia Milena Huertas | Fecha: 01/01/2013

This research is part of the project entitled ""CANOPOR"". Overall, this project aims to carry out studies of forest canopy dynamics through Airborne LiDAR scanning. From this perspective, this study focus on developing a methodology for segmentation automatic or semi-automatic tree crowns in tropical rain forest. The study area corresponds to Paracou experimental in French Guiana.On this scenario, a combination of combination of high resolution optical images and LiDAR scanners is used. The present document provides full details about the pre-treatment process, images treatment, results and comparisons with different segmentation approaches. The validation method is also discussed. Results revealed that the use of LiDAR and variables such as elevation and intensity are a valuable source of information for understanding the structure of complex ecosystems in tropical forests. 
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Automatic or semi-automatic segmentation of tree crowns in tropical forest from high resolution images and laser scans

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