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‘Connecting The Dots’ An answer to the question: ‘Is it reasonable to expect major global companies to develop ‘sustainable business strategies’ to deliver benefits for the Triple Bottom Line – People / Planet / Profit?’


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2014
  • Idioma Inglés
The purpose of this essay is to explain why it is not only reasonable but also necessary for companies that aim to survive in the long term, to adapt to the shifts that have happened in the market by embedding a system thinking and becoming sustainable businesses, through the adoption of sustainable business strategies that deliver benefits for the Triple Bottom Line.This paper first describes the current situation of the Earth, it will also describe the existing criticism towards businesses and the raising expectations for business acting as a source of long-term solutions and change. Subsequently, it exposes the main reasons why it has been so difficult for businesses to see a business case for sustainability. Finally, this essay demonstrates that to survive in the long term it is of vital importance for companies to embed sustainable business strategies and sustainable business models that deliver benefits for the Triple Bottom Line.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Diana Catalina Montes Reina, "‘Connecting The Dots’ An answer to the question: ‘Is it reasonable to expect major global companies to develop ‘sustainable business strategies’ to deliver benefits for the Triple Bottom Line – People / Planet / Profit?’", -:-, 2014. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-04-25.

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‘Connecting The Dots’ An answer to the question: ‘Is it reasonable to expect major global companies to develop ‘sustainable business strategies’ to deliver benefits for the Triple Bottom Line – People / Planet / Profit?’

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