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The perceptions of monoligual spanish parents towards their daughters’ learing process of acquiring a second language and their ideas on how we, as a school can help them through this process


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2009
  • Idioma Inglés
This research investigated how monolingual Spanish speaking parents perceived their involvement during their daughters’ second language acquisition process, and what they believed the school should do to help them help their daughters. The researcher contacted 25 parents who live in Bogotá- Colombia and then administrated a questionnaire via email.It was found that: (1) Parents want to raise bilingual children in order to prepare them for the future but, (2) their low proficiency level in the second language is the main barrier to be 100 percent involved during the SLA process (3) Parents believe that in order for their daughters to be successful not only in acquiring a second language, but during their school life, both school and parents need to work as a team (4) Mothers, which according to the findings have the lowest proficiency in the second language, are the ones having to help their daughters at home with homework, and therefore the SLA process, adding an extra stress to their everyday household activities (5).The parents of this study know exactly want they want the school to teach them in order to feel proficient when helping their daughters, for that reason, the school needs to take the necessary steps to motivate, support and guide parents to be involved and effective when it comes to helping their daughters learn. Excerpts in both English and Spanish, are presented throughout the research. At the end, limitations of this research and recommendations for future research are stated.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Ana María Rojas Nariño, "The perceptions of monoligual spanish parents towards their daughters’ learing process of acquiring a second language and their ideas on how we, as a school can help them through this process", Bogotá (Colombia):-, 2009. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-05-21.

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The perceptions of monoligual spanish parents towards their daughters’ learing process of acquiring a second language and their ideas on how we, as a school can help them through this process

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