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The gaps in rural social protection in Colombia: a history of traps and disconnections = Las brechas en la protección social rural en Colombia: una historia de trampas y desconexiones


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2011
  • Idioma Inglés
The persistency of rural poverty along with a widened gap between urban and rural areas, darken the picture of progress in Colombia. This dissertation analyses the state of social protection in rural areas, paying attention to the different instruments available to the government in order to find out whether rural dwellers have effective protection tools against shocks. Using different diagnoses on the determinants of rural poverty, this work identifies the limited scope of the actual social protection system in addressing the many different sources of vulnerability that rural inhabitants have to face in Colombia. In addition, there is a lack of comprehensive rural development strategy to complement the operation of the social protection system in rural settings.  
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
María Alejandra Botiva León, "The gaps in rural social protection in Colombia: a history of traps and disconnections = Las brechas en la protección social rural en Colombia: una historia de trampas y desconexiones", Colombia:-, 2011. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-07-27.

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The gaps in rural social protection in Colombia: a history of traps and disconnections = Las brechas en la protección social rural en Colombia: una historia de trampas y desconexiones

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