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 Imagen de referencia Maestría en Educación en Modalidad de Investigación
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Maestría en Educación en Modalidad de Investigación

Accede a trabajos de grado de la Maestría en Educación en la Modalidad de Investigación, donde los docentes buscan respuestas frente a las problemáticas y necesidades del contexto en el cual se desempeñan, atendiendo a las exigencias de la educación en general.

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    • 9 de Noviembre de 2020
Logo Universidad Externado de Colombia
Creador Universidad Externado de Colombia
Imagen de apoyo de  Análisis de la gestión de los docentes rurales de la Institución Departamental de Nocaima

Análisis de la gestión de los docentes rurales de la Institución Departamental de Nocaima

Por: Sandra Julieth Marchán Guzmán | Fecha: 01/01/2018

The research project analyzes the management of the teachers of the rural centers of the Departmental Educational Institution de Nocaima. In this way it has been possible to identify and recognize the work of teachers, inside and outside the classroom, in a rural context. As a result, alternatives are proposed for the improvement of teaching performance. Finally it contributes with the Educational Institution, because it shows a panorama in which the rural teachers are developed, allowing to rescue the positive reaches and to improve the conditions or difficulties from collective strategies that seek to benefit the Institution.
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Análisis de la gestión de los docentes rurales de la Institución Departamental de Nocaima

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Imagen de apoyo de  Portfolios focused on controversial issues to enhance argumentative writing skills

Portfolios focused on controversial issues to enhance argumentative writing skills

Por: Oscar Fernando Abella Peña | Fecha: 01/01/2018

Esta investigación acción cualitativa busca demostrar cómo el desarrollo e implementación de un portafolio diseñado por el maestro, basado en temas controversiales, mejoró las habilidades argumentativas escritas en inglés de 15 estudiantes de grado octavo. El estudio se llevó a cabo en un colegio público de Bogotá y se basó en el enfoque de la teoría fundamentada. Los instrumentos para recolectar datos fueron artefactos de los estudiantes, en este caso los portafolios con sus correspondientes secciones para autoevaluación, un diario de campo del profesor y una rúbrica. Los resultados sugieren que los estudiantes demostraron una respuesta positiva hacia el contenido y las actividades de los portafolios. Los materiales facilitaron a los estudiantes su acercamiento a los conceptos de la argumentación y de las falacias, aumentando las posibilidades de obtener textos argumentativos cortos. El portafolio fue efectivo y adecuado porque sus actividades tenían una exposición rica y significativa hacia inglés, los temas controversiales generaron un compromiso afectivo y cognitivo, y la producción de textos cortos ofrecieron oportunidades para una comunicación útil y contextualizada. Los temas controversiales provocaron la necesidad de los estudiantes por expresar un punto de vista, y fueron temas que les permitieron aprender a indagar de diferentes fuentes. Los estudiantes desarrollaron pensamiento crítico al interpretar, juzgar y aplicar múltiples criterios para asumir una posición frente a las afirmaciones controversiales. Finalmente, los estudiantes desarrollaron habilidades argumentativas escritas gracias a la construcción progresiva de su escritura en inglés y a la instrucción que les permitió comprender las bases de la argumentación.
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Portfolios focused on controversial issues to enhance argumentative writing skills

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Imagen de apoyo de  Worksheets based on vocabulary learning strategies to enhance students’ writing

Worksheets based on vocabulary learning strategies to enhance students’ writing

Por: Julie Alexandra Páez Grosso | Fecha: 01/01/2018

This study showed how worksheets based on vocabulary learning strategies contributed to the development of fourth grade students’ writing. This study was conducted in a public, rural school with fifteen students in Cajicá, Colombia. The data gathering instruments were field notes, students’ artifacts and tests. The study followed the qualitative approach and was developed under the action research methodology. The findings indicated that the design of worksheets based on vocabulary strategies made students feel motivated not only to learn new words, but also to understand the strategies that allowed them to start the process of writing. Moreover, the writing strategies were a successful approach for students because they learned how to write simple sentences. Also, using the models provided they could write simple paragraphs. Finally, all of these activities allowed students to improve their performance. This study helped learners feel motivated to learn faster and encouraged them to understand the importance of the use of vocabulary, to learn new strategies and to value meaningful writing feedback.
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Worksheets based on vocabulary learning strategies to enhance students’ writing

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Imagen de apoyo de  Requerimientos para la lectoescritura inicial : un estudio bibliográfico

Requerimientos para la lectoescritura inicial : un estudio bibliográfico

Por: Lina Alexandra Bedoya Vergara | Fecha: 01/01/2018

El presente documento de tesis es una investigación de tipo documental cuyo objetivo fue categorizar los hallazgos y las perspectivas de investigación en el campo de las habilidades necesarias y los contextos facilitadores para el aprendizaje de la lectoescritura en niños en etapa pre-escolar. Se plantea la importancia del tema en el campo pedagógico, debido a que la consolidación de la lectoescritura subyace a otros procesos de aprendizaje escolar. Se describen algunas perspectivas teóricas que han abordado e! tema desde diferentes nociones sobre el desarrollo infantil. Los resultados de la revisión se presentan y discuten en diferentes categorías de análisis, para luego proponer una reflexión integradora y critica de los mismos.
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Requerimientos para la lectoescritura inicial : un estudio bibliográfico

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Imagen de apoyo de  Aprender a pensar y reflexionar: propuesta de estrategias cognitivas y metacognitivas en la comprensión lectora

Aprender a pensar y reflexionar: propuesta de estrategias cognitivas y metacognitivas en la comprensión lectora

Por: Claudia Patricia Torres Bojacá | Fecha: 01/01/2018

This research is focused in the teaching of cognitive and metacognitive Reading strategies, in order to contribute in de development of reading comprehension. The intervention took place in the Cambridge International School located in the municipality of La Calera, with Seventh Grade students. The principal difficulties presented in this specific researched group, were the low reading comprehension and appropriation of new reading strategies, those were evident in the low scores of the different standardized texts applied by the Institution. For this reason, Isabel Sole, Juana Pinzas, Cassany, Santiago, Castillo y Mateus among other authors were referred. As a possible solution, it is necessary to implement a transversal curriculum, taking into account the scholar level, so it will permit the tuition of cognitive and metacognitive strategies in the different disciplinary areas and so them would be totally diploid. In conclusion, the implementation of cognitive and metacognitive strategies suit the reading comprehension processes, because it permits the student to be conscious about his reading process, but it must be modeled by teachers and be taught through the academic life of a student.
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Aprender a pensar y reflexionar: propuesta de estrategias cognitivas y metacognitivas en la comprensión lectora

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Imagen de apoyo de  The impact of Moodle-based worksheets to enhance students' reading comprehension

The impact of Moodle-based worksheets to enhance students' reading comprehension

Por: Karoll Ramírez Castro | Fecha: 01/01/2018

This research study aimed to determine the impact of a series of Moodle-based worksheets in reading comprehension development to promote the use of reading strategies. This project is linked to the Materials Development field of study of the Masters‟ Emphasis on English Didactics. This qualitative study, framed in action-research, was conducted with a group of undergraduate students at a private university in Bogotá, Colombia. I collected data through students' artifacts, a focus group interview, and tests. The findings showed that the use of appealing, organized and contextualized virtual reading worksheets could be useful to enhance students' reading comprehension through an adequate use of a series of reading strategies that fostered their vocabulary development. Besides, the study showed that Virtual Learning Environments, such as Moodle, provide significant opportunities for students to empower their language learning process, which in this case, adheres to reading comprehension.
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The impact of Moodle-based worksheets to enhance students' reading comprehension

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Imagen de apoyo de  Impact of worksheets based on role plays on students' fluency

Impact of worksheets based on role plays on students' fluency

Por: Milena Munévar Vega | Fecha: 01/01/2018

This study focuses on the exploration of the impact of worksheets based on role-plays on sixth graders‟ fluency. Three main theoretical constructs underpinned the current study: materials development, role-plays and fluency. The implementation of the materials took place in a private school in Bogotá, with a group of sixth grade students who were willing to participate. In an attempt to achieve the objective proposed, I implemented four worksheets, following the principles of materials development and gathered data from field notes, audio recordings, a survey, an interview, and students‟ artifacts. These instruments allowed me to collect the necessary information in a systematic way and thus have a process of data analysis to answer the pondered research question. The results showed that materials facilitated the creation of role-plays and their performance. Accordingly, some factors, such as partnership and practice for gaining confidence, helped students succeed in this task. The participants developed different levels of fluency, and managed known structures and went beyond incorporating new ones during the creation of their role-plays, while performing them. Additionally, they used the strategies provided by the material to have better fluency and the most relevant, some of them created new strategies to be more effitient in their fluency.
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Impact of worksheets based on role plays on students' fluency

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Imagen de apoyo de  Análisis de la colonialidad en las ciencias sociales escolares

Análisis de la colonialidad en las ciencias sociales escolares

Por: Adiela Bornachera González | Fecha: 01/01/2018

La presente investigación se encuentra enmarcada en el análisis de los contenidos que se privilegian en el campo de las Ciencias Sociales escolares, los cuales son eurocentricos, producto de la colonialidad que persiste en el contexto de Colombia como resultado de la dominación ejercida política, epistémica y ontológica basada en la inferiorización de los grupos diferentes al europeo y que se promovió con el colonialismo, sobre las personas, y sus saberes. Unido a esto, la usurpación de territorios y el desconocimiento de los aportes de grupos poblacionales como las mujeres, los pueblos indígenas y los afrocolombianos. El proceso de investigación se basa en el enfoque cualitativo y la metodología de la Investigación Acción, con la intención de hacer una revisión y generar cambios en el hacer pedagógico del área de Ciencias Sociales. La base teórica se encuentra respaldada por lo que se denomina la red modernidad colonialidad, desde la mirada y el amilisis de autores latinoamericanos y del sur global, quienes han planteado el concepto de colonialidad: del poder, del ser, el saber y del genero, así como contribuciones al análisis de la Geografía etnocentrica.
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Análisis de la colonialidad en las ciencias sociales escolares

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Imagen de apoyo de  Fortalecimiento académico como facilitador del proceso lecto- escrito en la UMB

Fortalecimiento académico como facilitador del proceso lecto- escrito en la UMB

Por: Andrea del Pilar Mateus Velásquez | Fecha: 01/01/2018

This research inform comes from a need identified at the Marruecos y Molinos IED state founded school, in relation to fifth grade students' difficulties to understand and develop argumentative texts and speech about animal abuse as a controversial issue. It was also identified that the teaching of argumentation in the primary syllabus was not considered, it was delegated to the language classes in upper levels. Thus, the proposal of teaching argumentation since primary, emerged by implementing a project based on bibliographic inquiring, which allowed the integration of other subjects apart from the language one and that favored the collaborative working and the self-structured learning, giving an answer to the question "how do the spoken and written argumentation develop, based on the bibliographic inquiring in 5th grade students from the Marruecos y Molinos School". The main objective was to describe how this process was developed with the selected population. The outcomes demonstrated the relevance and success of the proposal.
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Fortalecimiento académico como facilitador del proceso lecto- escrito en la UMB

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Imagen de apoyo de  Las prácticas inclusivas en el Colegio Madre Adela Hermanas Marianistas

Las prácticas inclusivas en el Colegio Madre Adela Hermanas Marianistas

Por: Lizeth Lorena Sánchez Gómez | Fecha: 01/01/2018

This research analyzes the inclusive practices of school Madre Adela performed with the population that presents special educational needs. To achieve this goal were raised four phases which realize inclusive actions developed in the institution. In the first phase of exploration and contextualization, be part of the inclusive theory to substantiate the case study and design the data collection plan. Second phase was a revision of history, taking as reference the Inclusion rate for Colombia and the four State obligations in the context of the right to education. The third phase, they prepared and validated instruments according to the categories of analysis. Finally, a phase of findings and analysis of results which was catTied out triangulation of sources with regard to the information provided.
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Las prácticas inclusivas en el Colegio Madre Adela Hermanas Marianistas

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