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Innkeeper Chronicles: Clean Sweep The Graphic Novel


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2024
  • Idioma Inglés
  • Publicado por Andrews McMeel,
On the outside, Dina Demille is the epitome of normal. She runs a quaint Victorian bed and breakfast in a small Texas town, owns a Shih Tzu named Beast, and is a perfect neighbor. Her biggest problem should be what to serve her guests for breakfast. But Dina is ... different: Her broom is a deadly weapon, and her inn is magic. Meant to be a lodging for otherworldly visitors, the only permanent guest is a retired Galactic aristocrat who can't leave the grounds because she's responsible for the deaths of millions and someone might shoot her on sight. Under the circumstances, "normal" is a bit of a stretch for Dina. And now, something with wicked claws and deepwater teeth has begun to hunt at night. ... Feeling responsible for her neighbors, Dina decides to get involved. Before long, she has to juggle dealing with the annoyingly attractive ex-military new neighbor, Sean Evansan alpha-strain werewolfand the equally arresting cosmic vampire soldier, Arland, while trying to keep her inn and its guests safe. But the enemy she's facing is unlike anything she's ever encountered before. It's smart, vicious, and lethal, and putting herself between this creature and her neighbors might just cost her everything.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Ilona. Andrews, "Innkeeper Chronicles: Clean Sweep The Graphic Novel", -:Andrews McMeel,, 2024. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-05-20.

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Innkeeper Chronicles: Clean Sweep The Graphic Novel

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