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La acreditación institucional en la educación superior de Argentina, Chile y Colombia : "una visión integradora"


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2019
  • Idioma Español
  • Publicado por Bogotá : Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2019.
This research is composed of the introduction and 5 chapters. The first chapter describes the research problem, which follows from the following research question: What are the characteristics of institutional accreditation far Higher Education in Argentina, Chile and Colombia, according to the regulations in force far the year 2018? In the second chapter the argumentative support that supports the central theme is exposed, in this case the institutional accreditation for higher education; the above, based on theory about evaluation, quality assurance and comparative education. Chapter number three explains the research methodology, sample, population selection, type of research and analysis categories. In the fourth chapter the analysis of the findings is developed and the discussion is extended in the light of the theoretical framework. Chapter five presents the conclusions, recommendations and limitations of study.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Wilson Antonio Bautista Orjuela, "La acreditación institucional en la educación superior de Argentina, Chile y Colombia : "una visión integradora"", -:Bogotá : Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2019., 2019. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-04-20.

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La acreditación institucional en la educación superior de Argentina, Chile y Colombia : "una visión integradora"

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