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Imagen de apoyo de  Democracies do not fight each other. Why?

Democracies do not fight each other. Why?

Por: Andrés Eduardo Fernández Osorio | Fecha: 01/01/2012

This article examines the existing arguments of the Democratic Peace Theory on why democracies do not fight each other. It aims to summarize the most important aspects of the theory, and to provide adequate counterarguments.First, it explains the general implications of the theory, including its origins and explanations. Second, it explores the related critiques and controversies. Third, it identifies the theory’s practical application. Finally, it offers conclusions on how effective this theory could be during the present days.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Ciencia política

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Democracies do not fight each other. Why?

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Imagen de apoyo de  Ethnic identity and political mobilization : the Afro-Colombian case. In: Afro-Descendants

Ethnic identity and political mobilization : the Afro-Colombian case. In: Afro-Descendants

Por: Leonardo Reales Jiménez | Fecha: 01/01/2012

The Afro-Colombian identity has been characterized for being notoriously strong in certain areas of the country but extremely weak in others. In the 1970s some Afro-Colombian activists made possible the “creation” of an identity discourse that is based on their ancestors’ historical struggles and contributions to the nation. Behind this “recent” discourse there is a strategy that seeks the elimination of racist practices and other human rights abuses against Afro-descendants.To what extent has this ethnic discourse been successful? Why have some Afro-Colombians resisted ethnic homogenization projects whereas many of them have followed the elites’ rules? What are the challenges of the Afro-Colombian identity-building process and mobilization? The author intends to answer these questions, while explaining the importance for Afro-Colombians of their heritage and ethnic self-awareness as a political tool. The paper represents one of the few works of its kind that studies the Afro-Colombian ethnic identity discourse and the political strategy behind its social goals.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
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  • Ciencia política

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Ethnic identity and political mobilization : the Afro-Colombian case. In: Afro-Descendants

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Imagen de apoyo de  L’action politique de la Cour Constitutionnelle Colombienne: la défense d’une démocratie faible

L’action politique de la Cour Constitutionnelle Colombienne: la défense d’une démocratie faible

Por: Ana Carolina Gómez Rojas | Fecha: 01/01/2012

La Corte Constitucional colombiana ha ocupado un lugar fundamental durante los últimos años en el imaginario de los ciudadanos gracias a su rol como defensora de los derechos fundamentales. Los ciudadanos recurren a ella para resolver sus problemas más cotidianos, convirtiendo a este actor judicial en un actor político.Esta situación ha generado un fuerte enfrentamiento entre el poder judicial y el poder ejecutivo. Claro ejemplo de ello ha sido la prohibición por parte de la Corte de una tercera elección presidencial en favor del presidente más popular de la historia colombiana reciente: Álvaro Uribe Vélez.La pregunta que pretende resolver este trabajo es entonces ¿cómo un poder público que no ha sido elegido democráticamente (en este caso, la Corte Constitucional) puede imponer su voluntad, incluso cuando dicha voluntad es contraria a los deseos de la gran mayoría ciudadana?
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
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  • Ciencia política

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L’action politique de la Cour Constitutionnelle Colombienne: la défense d’une démocratie faible

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Imagen de apoyo de  The use of the narratives constructed by country branding for combating terrorism and insurgency

The use of the narratives constructed by country branding for combating terrorism and insurgency

Por: Steven Jones-Chaljub | Fecha: 01/01/2014

Today we live in a globalized world. In this interconnected world, the competition for wealth among states has become a synonym for market share. To ensure access to international markets, governments have resorted to the corporate marketing tool of branding. Country branding, as it is called, creates a series of narratives using a country’s identity. Such narratives encompass a symbolic system which is molded for the unique purpose of creating and promoting a positive image of the country branded. However, to be successful, this tool requires nationals to behave as ambassadors and embody the narratives presented. Thus, the brand indirectly defines the features that a ‘true national’ must have.It is argued that by placing nationals in a position where their membership in the community of the nation is evaluated, country branding can become an alternative method for countering the rhetoric used by terrorist and insurgents for achieving support. The analysis is conducted using constructivism as theoretical background, and the Colombian brand ‘Colombia es Pasión’ as study case. The conclusion achieved is that there are some theoretical and empirical elements that suggest that country branding could be used for counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency, yet further research is encouraged.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Ciencia política

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The use of the narratives constructed by country branding for combating terrorism and insurgency

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Imagen de apoyo de  Regulating the blessing: small scale miner´s access to legality in Colombia, Peru and Mexico = Regulando la bendición: el acceso de los mineros pequeños a la legalidad en Colombia, Peru y Mexico

Regulating the blessing: small scale miner´s access to legality in Colombia, Peru and Mexico = Regulando la bendición: el acceso de los mineros pequeños a la legalidad en Colombia, Peru y Mexico

Por: Camilo Sánchez Meertens | Fecha: 01/01/2014

This investigation seeks to compare the legal frameworks developed in the 1990-2010 period in Colombia, Peru and Mexico to prevent and tackle informal artisanal/small scale mining. It does so by assessing the impact on the levels of informality of: (i) the incentives provided to miners to operate within legality; and (ii) the mechanisms devised to compensate such miners’ disadvantageous position vis-à-vis large scale mining companies. For such assessment a thorough examination of the countries’ mining codes is carried out. Concurrently, information extracted from semi-structured interviews with experts and triangulated with secondary sources is used to evaluate the codes’ impact on informality. The analysis supports the hypothesis that simple inexpensive mine title acquisition procedures, granting long lasting property rights, as well as guaranteeing technical and financial assistance, are key drivers of formalization. The impact of such incentives is, however, more complex: firstly, as the Mexican case illustrates, the absence of incentives combined with strong police persecution, can reduce informal mining by rendering it an unattractive activity with no prospective of future formalization.Secondly, the Colombian and Peruvian case exemplify how entry barriers also encourage miners to create associations which, in turn, are able to better access information, can comply with formal requirements more easily and can play an important role in influencing policy design. Furthermore, considering the incentives of large scale companies also proved crucial to reduce informality, given that a significant share of mining areas are already under concession. This means that the number of mine titles informal miners could potentially obtain is limited. Therefore, as the Colombian and Peruvian case exemplify, formalizing is to a large degree dependent on the willingness of these companies to voluntarily engage in associative contracts with informal miners. However, so far none of the observed countries has managed to prompt strong alliances between small and large scale miners to fruitfully implement such collaborative models. With regard to the compensation mechanisms, this study supports the hypothesis that granting political voice to small scale miners is of utmost importance to guarantee that differentiated costs, procedures and requirements are contemplated in the law. All in all, such policies have been innocuous and even counterproductive when not accompanied by measures that enhance access to information as well as local bureaucratic competences. In a context of scarce local bureaucratic resources, promissory formalization schemes generate a demand for mine titles that surpasses mining authorities’ capacity and, thereby, potentially incites more informality and social unrest. As observed in Peru, in such cases formalization processes can, paradoxically, induce higher levels of informal mining. In light of these findings, the study recommends the partner institution -Transparency International- to: (i) support the implementation of informational campaigns that explain the benefits of operating in formality and of doing so by means of associating; (ii) encourage policy dialogue spaces in order to prompt mutual monitoring and align the different stakeholders’ incentives; (iii) support capacity building programs targeting local mining authorities; (iv) support monitoring mechanisms in the mine title distribution and contracting processes.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Ciencia política

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Regulating the blessing: small scale miner´s access to legality in Colombia, Peru and Mexico = Regulando la bendición: el acceso de los mineros pequeños a la legalidad en Colombia, Peru y Mexico

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Imagen de apoyo de  Breaking down Foreign Direct Investment’s magic: relative impacts and policy implication

Breaking down Foreign Direct Investment’s magic: relative impacts and policy implication

Por: Luisa Fernanda Mendoza Berrío | Fecha: 01/01/2015

The neoliberal discourse around development proposed liberalization and market based strategies to increase economic growth and productivity. The retreat of the state gave the market and the private sector a predominant role in trade, investment and industrial and technological upgrade. In this context, the increasing role of Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) in the globalized economy strengthened the focus on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) as an important tool for development, and intensified the competition to attract investments between countries.This paper suggests that rather, than being a magic formula for achieving development or having a general effect –either positive or negative-, FDI’s impact, seen as positive spillovers and effective industrial and technological upgrading, depends on the sector in which investment is being made, level of intervention and direction that the host government is applying, and the absorption capacity of the host economy.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Ciencia política

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Breaking down Foreign Direct Investment’s magic: relative impacts and policy implication

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Imagen de apoyo de  Justice and peace? A just post bellum ethical critical analysis to 2005 colombian peace process

Justice and peace? A just post bellum ethical critical analysis to 2005 colombian peace process

Por: María Emilia Lleras Ronderos | Fecha: 01/01/2015

Colombia internal conflict between paramilitary armies and the central government is a topic that has been studied widely from different perspectives, including, but not limited to, studies on forced disappearance, internal displacement, the war on drugs, and the incidence of United States in Colombian internal warfare (Richani, 2013; Acemoglu et al., 2013; Aviléz, 2006; Dube & Naidu, 2015). By contrast, 2005 peace process between Colombian government and illegal paramilitary armies grouped under the umbrella organization named United Self-defense Forces of Colombia (AUC), has not been addressed with the same dedication. The objective of the present research is to analyze the 2005 Colombian peace-settlement through the scope of jus post bellum theory, aiming to see the possible deviations of the peace process from a just war theory moral perspective. According to jus post bellum theorist, a just peace-settlement can help to avoid repetition, while an unjust one can derive into new confrontation (Bell, 2013; Turner Johnson, 2012; Philpott, 2010). By achieving this goal this project intends to provide an ethical reflection on the course of action followed in Colombia to finish war with the self-defense armies, and to enrich Colombian debate about peace policy making in a time when the government is now negotiating a new peace settlement with FARC guerrilla.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Ciencia política

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Justice and peace? A just post bellum ethical critical analysis to 2005 colombian peace process

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Imagen de apoyo de  Descentralización y gestión ambiental en América Latina: Un análisis de las publicaciones académicas

Descentralización y gestión ambiental en América Latina: Un análisis de las publicaciones académicas

Por: Patricia; Casellas Carrillo Hurtado | Fecha: 01/01/2016

La descentralización de la gestión ambiental implica la transferencia de poder y responsabilidades a nivel local. Aunque existen revisiones bibliográficas sobre descentralización y medio ambiente, hay un vacío para el caso específico de Latinoamérica. Utilizando la técnica del Systematic Quantitative Literature Review los patrones en la literatura revelan desequilibrios territoriales y temáticos en el análisis, con una mayoría de estudios centrados en Bolivia y Brasil, concentración de investigaciones en descentralización de la gestión forestal, dominio de los académicos del ámbito anglosajón y valoraciones dispares en los resultados dependiendo del país analizado y el enfoque disciplinar.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Ciencia política

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Descentralización y gestión ambiental en América Latina: Un análisis de las publicaciones académicas

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Imagen de apoyo de  On Distributive Justice after War: A Normative Approach to Colombian Case

On Distributive Justice after War: A Normative Approach to Colombian Case

Por: Camilo Andrés Ardila Arévalo | Fecha: 01/01/2016

Prescriptive ideas on war have been traditionally focused on the reasons and the means of war. However, contemporary scholars have emphasised the importance of normative judgements about the aftermath of armed conflicts. Although peacetime after war has been mainly guided by notions of corrective justice like retribution and restoration, a distributive approach to justice is currently proposed to redress socio-economic inequalities within highly unequal post-conflict scenarios. From this perspective, a peaceful state of affairs that preserves severe inequalities could not be deemed a just peace.In this regard, Colombian conflict is frequently utilised as an example of the expected role of distribution after war. Then, it seems a relevant question whether reducing socio-economic inequalities through mechanisms of distributive justice must be considered indispensable for a just peace after war. I will argue that distributive justice must be regarded as essential for a just peace within highly unequal post-conflict societies like Colombia. To that end, consequentialist and deontological arguments for post-conflict distribution will be discussed to analyse Colombian case as a scenario in which a just peace must necessarily include notions of distribution.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Ciencia política

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On Distributive Justice after War: A Normative Approach to Colombian Case

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Imagen de apoyo de  “Para Vivir y Crecer”. Los jóvenes de guernica y la organización social de los espacios urbanos: notas etnográficas

“Para Vivir y Crecer”. Los jóvenes de guernica y la organización social de los espacios urbanos: notas etnográficas

Por: Juan Sebastián Granada Cardona | Fecha: 01/01/2017

Guernica es una ciudad central del mundo vasco en tanto hogar de un simbolismo vigoroso y plural: la libertad vasca y la Guerra Civil española. Pero aparte de esta puesta en escena histórica, la ciudad tiene una vida comunitaria propia, construida sobre los hechos de su cotidianidad. Por ejemplo, la transformación de una vieja fábrica de armas y de una escuela en puntos de encuentro y de vida social, promovida por un grupo de jóvenes okupas durante la última década, generó un cambio urbano importante que puso en marcha varios proyectos y actividades que buscaban incluir a toda la comunidad. Lo anterior produjo una renovación con respecto a las relaciones entre los actores urbanos y a la valoración de los espacios históricos de Guernica.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Ciencia política

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“Para Vivir y Crecer”. Los jóvenes de guernica y la organización social de los espacios urbanos: notas etnográficas

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