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Ethnic identity and political mobilization : the Afro-Colombian case. In: Afro-Descendants


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2012
  • Idioma Inglés
The Afro-Colombian identity has been characterized for being notoriously strong in certain areas of the country but extremely weak in others. In the 1970s some Afro-Colombian activists made possible the “creation” of an identity discourse that is based on their ancestors’ historical struggles and contributions to the nation. Behind this “recent” discourse there is a strategy that seeks the elimination of racist practices and other human rights abuses against Afro-descendants.To what extent has this ethnic discourse been successful? Why have some Afro-Colombians resisted ethnic homogenization projects whereas many of them have followed the elites’ rules? What are the challenges of the Afro-Colombian identity-building process and mobilization? The author intends to answer these questions, while explaining the importance for Afro-Colombians of their heritage and ethnic self-awareness as a political tool. The paper represents one of the few works of its kind that studies the Afro-Colombian ethnic identity discourse and the political strategy behind its social goals.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Leonardo Reales Jiménez, "Ethnic identity and political mobilization : the Afro-Colombian case. In: Afro-Descendants", Colombia:-, 2012. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-05-12.

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Ethnic identity and political mobilization : the Afro-Colombian case. In: Afro-Descendants

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