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On Distributive Justice after War: A Normative Approach to Colombian Case


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2016
  • Idioma Inglés
Prescriptive ideas on war have been traditionally focused on the reasons and the means of war. However, contemporary scholars have emphasised the importance of normative judgements about the aftermath of armed conflicts. Although peacetime after war has been mainly guided by notions of corrective justice like retribution and restoration, a distributive approach to justice is currently proposed to redress socio-economic inequalities within highly unequal post-conflict scenarios. From this perspective, a peaceful state of affairs that preserves severe inequalities could not be deemed a just peace.In this regard, Colombian conflict is frequently utilised as an example of the expected role of distribution after war. Then, it seems a relevant question whether reducing socio-economic inequalities through mechanisms of distributive justice must be considered indispensable for a just peace after war. I will argue that distributive justice must be regarded as essential for a just peace within highly unequal post-conflict societies like Colombia. To that end, consequentialist and deontological arguments for post-conflict distribution will be discussed to analyse Colombian case as a scenario in which a just peace must necessarily include notions of distribution.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Camilo Andrés Ardila Arévalo, "On Distributive Justice after War: A Normative Approach to Colombian Case", Colombia:-, 2016. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-04-27.

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On Distributive Justice after War: A Normative Approach to Colombian Case

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