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Imagen de apoyo de  Urbanisation and environmental modification as drivers of insect community diversity and composition in Sydney, Australia /  Urbanización y  modificación ambiental como promotores de la diversidad y composición de comunidades de insectos en Sídney, Australia

Urbanisation and environmental modification as drivers of insect community diversity and composition in Sydney, Australia / Urbanización y modificación ambiental como promotores de la diversidad y composición de comunidades de insectos en Sídney, Australia

Por: Manuel Lequerica Támara | Fecha: 2017

Insects are essential for the functioning of ecosystems, delivering important ecological functions as nutrient recycling, pest control, pollination, and seed dispersal. Biodiversity increases the multi-functionality and resilience of ecosystems around the world, a valuable effect considering that global change is likely to have an impact on ecosystems globally. In the process of urbanisation, ecosystems are modified and plant and animal communities segregated, affecting biodiversity and thus jeopardising ecosystems in a global scale. Different insect taxa play distinct ecological roles, so assessing how environmental factors associated with urbanisation affect them is relevant for the conservation of biological diversity of cities. The main objective of this research project was to investigate how insect communities are affected by urbanisation, using an integrated multi-taxa and multiscale approach. The research project is divided in two fundamental questions: 1) Are insect communities affected by coarse or fine scale environmental filters? and 2) Are insect´s foraging abilities affected by environmental modification? To address the first question, I sampled four insect taxa (Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera and Hymenoptera) in 19 sites with three levels of environmental modification, and multiple environmental variables associated with urbanisation. For the second question, I used focal plants to sample floral visitors in 19 sites with varying levels of environmental modification, recording the time taken for the focal plant to be discovered by an insect, and the number of insects after 48 hours. My results show that coarse environmental filters affect Hemiptera communities but do not seem to affect Coleoptera, Diptera, or Hymenoptera communities. Fine environmental filters such as proportion of native plants with flowers, site area, and proportion of green space are associated with species richness of coleopteran, dipteran and hymenopteran communities. Floral discoverability was not associated with environmental modification but the number of insects was higher in sites with higher environmental modification. Native floral resources are important for the maintenance of urban biodiversity, thus native plants should be used in urban green. Low species richness of hymenopterans and coleopterans in more urbanised sites indicates the susceptibility of these groups to urbanisation, reflecting what others studies have found in urban contexts worldwide. Environmental modification affects insects’ ability to discover and use floral resources. Where conservation initiatives use floral resource plantings to support biodiversity, environmental modification must be considered, to ensure that target taxa are able to reach the novel resources.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Urbanisation and environmental modification as drivers of insect community diversity and composition in Sydney, Australia / Urbanización y modificación ambiental como promotores de la diversidad y composición de comunidades de insectos en Sídney, Australia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Urban wetlands on the edge. A strategic intervention for the recovery of Jaboque Wetland in Bogotá, Colombia = Humedales urbanos al límite. Una visión estratégica para la recuperación del Humedal Jaboque en Bogotá

Urban wetlands on the edge. A strategic intervention for the recovery of Jaboque Wetland in Bogotá, Colombia = Humedales urbanos al límite. Una visión estratégica para la recuperación del Humedal Jaboque en Bogotá

Por: Juana Marcela Leal Simbaqueba | Fecha: 2012

The global awareness of urban wetlands as areas where crucial issues as urban growth and policies against climate change overlap, must be addressed with critical urgency on developing countries with rapid rates of transformation. The late consciousness about the environmental value of Bogota wetlands have created a rich field of discussion regarding the role of these places in the city, but specially and what constitutes the main purpose of this investigation, the development of a vision which could lead to new kinds of physical interventions between the protected areas and the existing urban settlements.This work aims at recognizing and providing basic principles to guarantee that these physical realities are compatible with the needs of the main natural elements which constitute these ecosystems. Referring to urban ecology principles, wetlands and human settlements are intended as part of the same ecosystem and their reciprocal relations from an urban design perspective is the object of this investigation.The Jaboque wetland, for its size and location, offers interesting conditions to carry on the morphological investigation in order to define series of principles which explore this new physical dimension, and in particular, the construction of concept-plan and master-plan guidelines, aiming at overcoming typical limitations of general and not site-related policies, and finally which could influence actions on other wetlands with similar characteristics.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Urban wetlands on the edge. A strategic intervention for the recovery of Jaboque Wetland in Bogotá, Colombia = Humedales urbanos al límite. Una visión estratégica para la recuperación del Humedal Jaboque en Bogotá

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Imagen de apoyo de  Urban River Restoration in Colombia – viewed as whole in order to reduce hydraulic risk and pollution = Restauración de rios urbanos en Colombia – visión de conjunto para disminuir el riesgo hidráulico y la contaminación

Urban River Restoration in Colombia – viewed as whole in order to reduce hydraulic risk and pollution = Restauración de rios urbanos en Colombia – visión de conjunto para disminuir el riesgo hidráulico y la contaminación

Por: Freddy Leonardo Franco Idarraga | Fecha: 2011

Colombia is a privileged country with the amount of water it has, but due to the inadequate conjunction between hydric wealth and land use, we have lived in continuous tragedy, spending huge resources on ongoing reconstructions and helping the floods and landslides victims. However, floods are natural events, in many cases exacerbated by men’s actions over the territory; events to which no country is exempted, but with consequences that vary according to the characteristics of the duo people-territory and its relationships with the water bodies.This document, offers a review of the characteristics and criteria that define a river in good ecological status, and the anthropic pressures, with its impacts and effects over the water courses, deepening into the hydraulic risk, water quality and the disturbance of the natural environments. Continue presenting the “River Restoration” as a new form of river management, reasoning about the Colombian hydric problems, making emphasis on the pollution problems and disasters related to water; and suggesting solutions from the River Restoration perspective for some specific urban cases and linking this new fluvial hydraulic with the “National Police for Integral Management of the Hydric Resource”.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ingeniería

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Urban River Restoration in Colombia – viewed as whole in order to reduce hydraulic risk and pollution = Restauración de rios urbanos en Colombia – visión de conjunto para disminuir el riesgo hidráulico y la contaminación

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Imagen de apoyo de  Urban acupuncture as a slum upgrading process. How to tackle poverty effectively in a multidimensional way: the case of Ciudad Bolívar, Bogotá

Urban acupuncture as a slum upgrading process. How to tackle poverty effectively in a multidimensional way: the case of Ciudad Bolívar, Bogotá

Por: Natalia Silva Mora | Fecha: 2013

An analysis of the slum grading processes of one of the poorest neighbourhoods in Bogotá, Ciudad Bolívar. Many efforts of the municipality and the Colombian government to solve poverty issues in this area of Bogotá have not been proposed in the best manner. The government efforts have been implemented with a silo approach instead of foster changes in this marginal part of the Colombian society in a multidimensional way. Therefore this document uses two case studies. First, the case studies CODI (Community Organizations Development Institute) of Thailand as a governmental institution having a holistic view of the problematic as well as a holistic solution for the poverty problems. And second, the case of Medellín and the implementation of the MetroCable as a trigger for the development of housing and urban regeneration strategies in marginal areas. This documents analyses how Bogotá and its institutions are wasting a lot of efforts and opportunities to solve in a more effective manner poverty problems within its territory. Moreover, this thesis recognises the proposal of the MetroCable of Ciudad Bolívar as the perfect scenario to apply the PMR tool (Polígonos de Modalidad Reestructurante – Restructuring Nodules) to suggest a multidimensional slum upgrading process around this major urban intervention.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Urban acupuncture as a slum upgrading process. How to tackle poverty effectively in a multidimensional way: the case of Ciudad Bolívar, Bogotá

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Imagen de apoyo de  Uptime analytics

Uptime analytics

Por: Mayuris Pineda | Fecha: 2018

Las empresas intensivas en activos pueden mejorar sus resultados, aumentando sus ingresos mediante la optimización en la administración de equipos. Para lograrlo, estas compañías deben evolucionar de un proceso de decisión basado únicamente en experiencia a la toma de decisiones basadas en la tecnología digital, adoptando nuevas y mejores metodologías. Uptime Analytics proporciona una solución que se vende directamente a empresas que hacen un uso intensivo de activos. Su solución incorpora tecnologías tales como modelos predictivos y metodologías de gestión de mantenimiento dinámico para mejorar la eficiencia de mantenimiento y los tiempos productivos de los activos. Uptime Analytics es una compañía colombiana que nace en el 2017 con el propósito de cambiar la forma en la que las compañías toman sus decisiones de mantenimiento. Compuesta por un equipo conformado por ingenieros de mantenimiento, analistas de negocio y científicos de datos enfocados brindando una solución innovadora en el mercado de consultorías para compañías intensivas en activos.
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Administración
  • Tecnología
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Uptime analytics

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Imagen de apoyo de  United Kingdom low carbon communities: a strategy for climate change adaptation and mitigation in Colombia = Comunidades de bajo carbono del Reino Unido: una estrategia para la adaptación y mitigación del cambio climático en Colombia

United Kingdom low carbon communities: a strategy for climate change adaptation and mitigation in Colombia = Comunidades de bajo carbono del Reino Unido: una estrategia para la adaptación y mitigación del cambio climático en Colombia

Por: Adriana Pinto Brun | Fecha: 2014

Colombia presents an elevated vulnerability to climate change with the highest recurrence of extreme weather events and increasing emergencies on the continent (Ideam et al, 2010). The Colombian government has been developing The Colombian Strategy for Low Carbon Development, seeking to mitigate climate change impacts in the country (Ideam et al, 2010); however, it is currently at designing stage and no actions have been implemented so far. The United Kingdom (UK) has been a global pioneer in low carbon development, with applied strategies at national and local scale that have involved the wider community. In addition, other non-governmental initiatives have promoted low carbon development from a community perspective, looking for a more localised and resilient community, through local projects implementation on food, energy production and Housing (Hopkins, 2008). As a result, UK case studies have provided a solid panorama since community initiatives have shown significant key learnings (Hopkins, 2011) providing an opportunity for achieving a climate-resilient growth in Colombia. Consequently, the present research aimed study to what extent, United Kingdom low carbon communities case studies, with particular reference in Transition Leicester, can be applied within the Colombian climate change scheme. The low carbon measures implemented and different stakeholders involve in UK low carbon communities were identified in order to obtain an insight scheme in Colombia, where opportunities and constrictions of its applicability were subsequently analysed, since socioeconomic conditions in Colombia vary considerably from the UK scheme, with a constant social conflict scenarios, large regional inequalities and an increasingly affected biodiversity (Côté et al, 2010; Ideam et al, 2010). Given the masters connotation of the study, further research is recommended.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ciencias sociales

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United Kingdom low carbon communities: a strategy for climate change adaptation and mitigation in Colombia = Comunidades de bajo carbono del Reino Unido: una estrategia para la adaptación y mitigación del cambio climático en Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Unintentional asphyxiation deaths in adolescents: autoerotic asphyxia and asphyxial games as part of the same syndrome = Muertes por asfixia no intencional en adolescentes: asfixia autoerótica y juegos de asfixia como parte del mismo síndrome

Unintentional asphyxiation deaths in adolescents: autoerotic asphyxia and asphyxial games as part of the same syndrome = Muertes por asfixia no intencional en adolescentes: asfixia autoerótica y juegos de asfixia como parte del mismo síndrome

Por: Andrés Rodríguez Zorro | Fecha: 2012

OBJECTIVES: Unintentional asphyxia among preadolescents and adolescents by compression of the neck and other means of inducing hypoxia / anoxia in order to get exhilarating effects are not new or uncommon behaviors and can lead to death by accident. Medical science has described autoerotic asphyxiation and more recently asphyxial games “choking games” as different entities. This study addresses both behaviors to understand the characteristics of how these practices are presented as well as the risks factors to them in order to determine if there are substantial differences between the two practices, or if instead they are related behaviors. Accurate knowledge of these behaviors based on scientific evidence will facilitate the understanding of the etiology and manifested features and facilitate the implementation of preventive measures to avoid such deaths.METHODS: A retrospective study of fatal cases published in recognized scientific journal articles of both autoerotic asphyxiation and choking game behaviors in the adolescent population was made. Articles on sociology, psychoanalysis and psychiatry as well as studies previously published case series and epidemiological studies to assess student population etiological factors and risk factors associated with behaviors were included in this review. Features of both behaviors, such as prevalence, age distribution, gender, type of asphyxia and place of occurrence are presented.RESULTS: The results are consistent in all variables analyzed for both behaviors. Most practitioners are men. Cases of both behaviors in preadolescence show a tendency to increase with age. The most frequent type of asphyxia identified was hanging conducted in private quarters. Psychiatric and psychoanalytic literature identifies common elements between male castration complex, failed oral psychosexual development and the practice of asphyxia in its integration with sociological theories of risk and confrontation ordeal in adolescence. The review of epidemiological studies reveals common elements in the development of both practices in terms of risk factors.CONCLUSIONS: The evidence suggests a link between both practices and allows to theorize that they are part of the same syndrome. Integrating psychoanalytic and sociological concepts as well as the risk factors suggests a linear sequential model of development in four stages: childhood syndrome rope, asphyxial games associated to masturbation, Adolescent autoerotic asphyxia and Adult Autoerotic Asphyxia fetishist / bondage Syndrome. Death is explained in each of the stages as failed physiological and emotional adaptation mechanisms. It is important to disseminate knowledge of these practices among health professionals and further studies should be carried out in regarding deaths by hanging in children and adolescents.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Unintentional asphyxiation deaths in adolescents: autoerotic asphyxia and asphyxial games as part of the same syndrome = Muertes por asfixia no intencional en adolescentes: asfixia autoerótica y juegos de asfixia como parte del mismo síndrome

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Imagen de apoyo de  UNFRAMED: a system of connections between artists and people through mural arts in a Colombian city

UNFRAMED: a system of connections between artists and people through mural arts in a Colombian city

Por: Sarah Thénot Tejada | Fecha: 2010

The current global context is characterized by a growing importance on relations and the creation of links between different actors. Contemporary artists have to deal with different connection’s skills to succeed in their carriers and to make their work visible to a wider audience and potential collectors. However these opportunities are not constant because the system is very competitive. There is high offer and low demand, which is also affected by the economical crisis. Additionally, art continues to be considered a luxury item for few ones. In developing countries, low demand is not only due to crisis, but also to the fact that art is a secondary issue for common people. Moreover the culture of appreciating and acquiring art is under development.From this scenario, the thesis aims to answer the following question; how to make visual arts more accessible to common people and at the same time to bring to the artist new markets and visibility for his work? A product-service system is proposed to give answer to the main question. “Unframed” provides an innovative space to show murals, where artists become the protagonists and art becomes accessible to everyone in different ways. The service is based in an online platform which is feed by artists’ portfolios and temporal murals made in the city. It is also complemented by limited series of mural reproduction; touch points in common places and a closer relation artist-user. The system uses different strategies to make it valuable for the artist, the user, the city and stakeholders. Reducing the gap between artists and the public, it establishes lasting relationships and encourages fresh market scenarios.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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UNFRAMED: a system of connections between artists and people through mural arts in a Colombian city

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Imagen de apoyo de  Unfolding challenges of extractive activities in terms of Environmental Sustainability and Social Justice – a local perspective of mining in Colombia

Unfolding challenges of extractive activities in terms of Environmental Sustainability and Social Justice – a local perspective of mining in Colombia

Por: Alba Milena Ruiz Arias | Fecha: 2014

In this work, the particularities of natural resource wealth are the building blocks for the theoretical identification of some challenges faced by national governments in relation to extractive activities. Such challenges are later on unfolded from the perspective of overlapping claims on both environmental sustainability and social justice.The discussion here presented travels between different spatial, institutional and temporal scales, and particularly from the national to the regional (sub-national) levels. In order to observe how some of the challenges of extractive activities are manifested in practice, the case of La Colosa, an intended gold mining venture in the Colombian Andean region, is addressed.This work exposes some relevant tasks that the Colombian government has to undertake if the economic growth of the country is to be based on natural resources exploitation. In regards to long-term provision of environmental goods and services, the analysis done in this work allows the identification of tensions between the mining interests and the need to protect environmental functions related to the availability and quality of land and water resources.These tensions are aggravated by the existence of disjointed institutions and policies at the national level as well as between regional and national scales. So as to the achievement of social justice, this analysis reveals how the national interest on extractive activities for economic growth need to be not superimposed on, but harmonised with regional interests on natural resources for environmental functionality and local livelihoods, so as to avoid a systematic misrecognition of population’s needs and rights.Misaddressing this challenge conduces local entities to the necessary search of other avenues for claiming their recognition and participation. In this second stage, there is an additional need to ensure the security, effectiveness and legitimacy of participatory spaces that, if overshadowed by particular interests, may end up further reproducing the misrecognition patterns, exhausting the avenues for assertive claiming and even triggering conflict.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Unfolding challenges of extractive activities in terms of Environmental Sustainability and Social Justice – a local perspective of mining in Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Une théorie physicaliste de la conscience phénoménale = A Physicalist Theory of Phenomenal Consciousness = Una teoría fisicalista de la conciencia fenomenal

Une théorie physicaliste de la conscience phénoménale = A Physicalist Theory of Phenomenal Consciousness = Una teoría fisicalista de la conciencia fenomenal

Por: Reinaldo José Bernal Velásquez | Fecha: 2011

This thesis advances a theory in the metaphysics of phenomenal consciousness, which I label “ephysicalism”. It takes a realist stance towards subjective conscious experience: there are some entities such that there is something it is like, intrinsically, to be one of them (Nagel 1974). Firstly, I argue for a physicalist metaphysics. Secondly, I reject the thesis that consciousness is a supervenient property and, in particular, Strong AI and computational functionalism.Thirdly, I reject HOT theories of consciousness, address the “unity of consciousness”, and discuss the “explanatory gap” (Levine 1983). Fourthly, I argue that consciousness is an emergent property of conscious entities: it is, with respect to the micro-constituents of the emergence base, an ontologically novel property with original causal powers. Fifthly, I criticise Chalmers' (1996) “zombie argument” and Kim's (2005) “supervenience argument”. Finally, I argue that phenomenal contents are physical properties, and discuss Jackson's (1982) “knowledge argument”.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Une théorie physicaliste de la conscience phénoménale = A Physicalist Theory of Phenomenal Consciousness = Una teoría fisicalista de la conciencia fenomenal

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