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  • Tesis

UNFRAMED: a system of connections between artists and people through mural arts in a Colombian city


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2010
  • Idioma Inglés
The current global context is characterized by a growing importance on relations and the creation of links between different actors. Contemporary artists have to deal with different connection’s skills to succeed in their carriers and to make their work visible to a wider audience and potential collectors. However these opportunities are not constant because the system is very competitive. There is high offer and low demand, which is also affected by the economical crisis. Additionally, art continues to be considered a luxury item for few ones. In developing countries, low demand is not only due to crisis, but also to the fact that art is a secondary issue for common people. Moreover the culture of appreciating and acquiring art is under development.From this scenario, the thesis aims to answer the following question; how to make visual arts more accessible to common people and at the same time to bring to the artist new markets and visibility for his work? A product-service system is proposed to give answer to the main question. “Unframed” provides an innovative space to show murals, where artists become the protagonists and art becomes accessible to everyone in different ways. The service is based in an online platform which is feed by artists’ portfolios and temporal murals made in the city. It is also complemented by limited series of mural reproduction; touch points in common places and a closer relation artist-user. The system uses different strategies to make it valuable for the artist, the user, the city and stakeholders. Reducing the gap between artists and the public, it establishes lasting relationships and encourages fresh market scenarios.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Sarah Thénot Tejada, "UNFRAMED: a system of connections between artists and people through mural arts in a Colombian city", -:-, 2010. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-04-23.

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UNFRAMED: a system of connections between artists and people through mural arts in a Colombian city

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