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  • Tesis

Reintegrating Women, Strengthening Peace: Making the Connexions Between the WPS Agenda and the DDR Process of Female Ex-combatants in Colombia = Reintegrando Mujeres, Fortaleciendo paz: Conexiones entre la agenda de Mujeres, Paz y Seguridad y los procesos de DDR de mujeres excombatientes en Colombia


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2019
  • Idioma Inglés
This paper concentrates specifically on the reintegration process of female ex-combatants and their role as peacebuilders in the aftermath of war. By privileging the personal experience of two female ex-combatants of guerrilla groups in Colombia, this thesis aims to explorer what are the main obstacles faced by these women in their process of reintegration into civilian life and how to strengthen the role of female ex-combatants as peacebuilders. I argue that DDR processes and reintegration programs are only one dimension of post-conflict reconstruction and rehabilitation. Notwithstanding, the real challenge is to demilitarize all aspects of social life including the people’s mind, the community, and the state with its hegemonic notions of security. Likewise, a reintegration process designed and implemented from a gender-sensitive approach can be an example of a practical and emancipatory project that brings more equitable relations between men and women in the aftermath of the war. Therefore, women's role as peacebuilders can be strengthened through a political reintegration process that emphasizes their transformative potential as influential citizens in the decision-making processes of their community in terms of reconciliation and national rehabilitation.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Sonia Nicol Lesmes Guerrero, "Reintegrating Women, Strengthening Peace: Making the Connexions Between the WPS Agenda and the DDR Process of Female Ex-combatants in Colombia = Reintegrando Mujeres, Fortaleciendo paz: Conexiones entre la agenda de Mujeres, Paz y Seguridad y los procesos de DDR de mujeres excombatientes en Colombia", Colombia:-, 2019. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2025-01-18.

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Reintegrating Women, Strengthening Peace: Making the Connexions Between the WPS Agenda and the DDR Process of Female Ex-combatants in Colombia = Reintegrando Mujeres, Fortaleciendo paz: Conexiones entre la agenda de Mujeres, Paz y Seguridad y los procesos de DDR de mujeres excombatientes en Colombia

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