Who Turned Up the Heat?: Eco Pig Explains Global Warming
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- Año de publicación 2024
- Idioma Inglés
- Publicado por ABDO,
- Descripción
- E.P.'s super-sensitive snout has warned him that Earth's thermostat has gone haywire! He sets out to see how global warming is upsetting the balance in Earth's ecosystems. He sees that glaciers are melting and sea levels are rising. Some places are flooding while others are too dry. E.P. lets us know what we can do to live Green and fight this damage before our planet gets too hot. Grades P-4.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
- Barry. Gott, "Who Turned Up the Heat?: Eco Pig Explains Global Warming", -:ABDO,, 2024. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (https://www.bibliotecadigitaldebogota.gov.co/resources/3678426/), el día 2024-12-04.