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Warlash: Dark Noir #3


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2011
  • Idioma Inglés
  • Publicado por Asylum Press,
Third thrill packed issue--Feature a short story written by Royal McGraw (Detective Comics, Batman: Battle for The Cowl: Commissioner Gordon) and illustrated by Frank Forte. "Rocket's Red Scare" pits Warlash against a biogenetically engineered villain who goes by the name of Trotsky De Sade, the crazed leader of the Gene Communist Militia. De Sade is a Neo-Cold War menace who has taken the form of Joseph Stalin to try to wreak havoc upon the capitalist pigs of Pittsburgh. Can Warlash and his new ally Vigil stop him? Or will De Sade be allowed to unleash his stalinococcus virus on an unsuspecting populace? In "A Touch of Deadly", a neo-noir tale, Warlash is deceived by a sexy D.A. to uncover a murder of an old Black Ops buddy. The plot thickens Warlash uncovers a Russian cyborg smuggling ring. Wrtiiten by Frank Forte and illustrated by Szymon Kudranski. This issue concludes the "Phlegm Fatale" storyline wherein Warlash battles a biogenic beast in the sewers below Pittsburgh, but the battle is not over even after the beast has been destroyed. Written and illustrated Frank Forte.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
J.C.. Wong, "Warlash: Dark Noir #3", -:Asylum Press,, 2011. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-05-05.

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Warlash: Dark Noir #3

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