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STERN, M.: Beyond the Sambatyon / Laudations / Shepherd Song / Bedouin Impressions (The Israel Sinfonietta, M. Stern)


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  • Idioma Inglés
  • Publicado por Naxos Digital Services US Inc.
I. Exile (17 min. 35 sec.) / Stern -- II. Penitence (07 min. 54 sec.) / Stern -- III. Return (13 min. 30 sec.) / Stern -- Shepherd Song (03 min. NaN sec.) / Stern -- I. Prelude (Glory): Maestoso (01 min. 28 sec.) / Stern -- II. Meditation (Parable): Deliberato (01 min. 40 sec.) / Stern -- III. Dance (Joy): Lively (01 min. 39 sec.) / Stern -- IV. Prayer (Supplication): Andante Piacere (02 min. 18 sec.) / Stern -- V. Processional (Thanksgiving): Flowing (02 min. 06 sec.) / Stern -- III. Goat Dance (03 min. 22 sec.) / Stern -- II. Lament (03 min. 16 sec.) / Stern -- I. Pastoral (03 min. 46 sec.) / Stern
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
"STERN, M.: Beyond the Sambatyon / Laudations / Shepherd Song / Bedouin Impressions (The Israel Sinfonietta, M. Stern)", -:Naxos Digital Services US Inc., -. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-09-18.

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