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  • Tesis

Opportunities of new projects for a big Utility Company. Evaluation of case study = Oportunidades de nuevos proyectos para una gran compañía de Servicios Públicos. Evaluación de caso de Estudio

  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2015
  • Idioma Inglés
EPM is a group that consists of 12 Companies with more than 10000 employees with presence in Colombia, Central and South America, the Caribbean, México, United States and Spain. The Strategic Units are Energy (Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Commercialization of electricity and distribution of natural gas), Water and Sanitation. In addition EPM Group has Telecommunications businesses in another Company. Only in Colombia, EPM Group is the second biggest Company after ECOPETROL (Petroleum Company). EPM Group has been active in these four areas of public utilities and is currently implementing a number of projects to consolidate its leadership. Last year, EPM Group decided to work the Strategic Units of Energy, Water and Sanitation in an integrated form. The MSc.Thesis is developed in EPM Group, seeking alternatives for specific projects to growth in one field. It was defined that the “Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Management” in the City of Medellin, Colombia such as interesting topic to improve after the integration of the Sanitation Company of Medellin into the Group. At the end of the MSc. thesis will be possible to present some alternatives for new projects and some evaluations considering environmental and energy, social, regulatory and economical factors. The steps of the MSc. Thesis are:- Presenting a general overview about MSW Management activities in Developing Countries.- Description of the current situation of MSW Management activities in Medellin, Colombia.- Presenting some opportunities of projects including a strategy for improving the MSW Management in Medellin, Colombia.- To evaluate some opportunities of projects considering the factors mentioned above.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Juliana Silva Echeverri, "Housing Finance in Colombia: from UPAC to UVR = Financiamiento de vivienda en Colombia: del UPAC a la UVR", Colombia:-, 2003. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-05-12.

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