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The role of local community in the dissemination of the Archaeological ParkTeyuna-Lost City, In Santa Marta, Colombia = el rol de la comunidad local en la difusión del parque arqueológico Teyuna-Ciudad Perdida, en Santa Marta, Colombia


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2016
  • Idioma Inglés
In the Caribbean coast of Colombia, within a triangle-shaped mountainous massif covered by a dense jungle of endemic flora (known as the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta), lies the archaeological park Teyuna-Lost City. A series of terraces, roads, stairs, spillways and sewerage systems form the largest and most impressive archaeological settlement in Colombia. Given the complexity of its geographical location, the place remained unnoticed, hidden and well protected for over 400 years. However, since its discovery, in 1975, the site has been subjected to different political, social and cultural dynamics that have affected its management and conservation. In the context of Colombian post-conflict, Teyuna has been perceived by many as an alternative to enhance their living condition. However, tensions promoted by stakeholders, communities and illegal armed groups are affecting the appropriate dissemination of its cultural values. After all, some communities conceive Teyuna as a business rather than as a National Heritage. In this project, I present an analysis of the bodies that are behind the tourism market, the limitations of the community-based tourism in the post-conflict scenario, the power imbalances on Teyuna´s management, and the dissemination problems of the archaeological site.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Paola Andrea López Lara, "The role of local community in the dissemination of the Archaeological ParkTeyuna-Lost City, In Santa Marta, Colombia = el rol de la comunidad local en la difusión del parque arqueológico Teyuna-Ciudad Perdida, en Santa Marta, Colombia", Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (Colombia):-, 2016. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-04-19.

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The role of local community in the dissemination of the Archaeological ParkTeyuna-Lost City, In Santa Marta, Colombia = el rol de la comunidad local en la difusión del parque arqueológico Teyuna-Ciudad Perdida, en Santa Marta, Colombia

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