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Attitudes towards body size and physical appearance among Colombian and American college students:A Multi-cultural Study = Actitudes hacia el tamaño del cuerpo y apariencia fisica en estudiantes universitarios Colombianos y Americanos: Un Estudio Multi-C


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2009
  • Idioma Inglés
The current study analyzed attitudes towards size and physical appearance among four hundred and seventy Colombian and two hundred and ten American college students. The effects of gender and culture (and their interaction) on thin ideal internalization, sociocultural pressure to be thin, and body image dissatisfaction were examined in the sample. Results from the study showed that there are differences between gender and country: Colombian students perceived themselves as having a better body image overall compared to American students; females from both countries had a lower body image satisfaction compared to males. Surprisingly, males from both countries worry about their physical size and appearance. Implications for future research include validating instruments especially for a Colombian population, as well as continuing to include males in studies related to body image and eating disorders because it was found that they were also unsatisfied with their overall body image. 
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Natalia Rojas Segura, "Attitudes towards body size and physical appearance among Colombian and American college students:A Multi-cultural Study = Actitudes hacia el tamaño del cuerpo y apariencia fisica en estudiantes universitarios Colombianos y Americanos: Un Estudio Multi-C", Colombia; Estados Unidos:-, 2009. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-09-18.

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Attitudes towards body size and physical appearance among Colombian and American college students:A Multi-cultural Study = Actitudes hacia el tamaño del cuerpo y apariencia fisica en estudiantes universitarios Colombianos y Americanos: Un Estudio Multi-C

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