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Assessment, analysis and improvement of the energy demand in the actively controlled storage facility from the national museum of Scotland


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2015
  • Idioma Inglés
The building sector plays a significant role regarding CO2 generation in the UK, accounting for 37%. Efforts have been oriented to lower the energy consumption by increasing the efficiency of conditioning systems and by integrating smart designs that lower the energy requirements. The newest storage facility from NMS was designed to use energy efficiently to provide the necessary environmental conditions to approximately 10 million items with specific climate conditions.However, the designers are interested to know how the building is performing and how the energy usage could be lowered. In this report, an assessment of this distinctive building with a dual nature of a storage facility coexisting with a research workplace is conducted. Initially, it was unforeseen how much energy had been used by each piece of equipment; given the type of data recorded, the assessment is performed in a detailed fashion to provide the figures that could help to make decisions to modify the energy usage.Additionally, even though the building was designed using efficient equipment, with air-tightness that was classified as better than typical and a good isolated envelop, opportunities were still found to improve even more its operative functions and hence to reduce the annual cost of energy and the CO2 emissions generation.The results show how to reduce the energy consumption at practically zero cost by making more flexible the temperature settings and by modifying the control strategy, resulting mainly in savings up to 35% in gas consumption. Another potential solution is provided by calculating the energy that a PV array could harvest. Two other recommendations that cannot be implemented are assessed. More elaborated strategies can be analysed and implemented when environmental-friendly buildings are designed. 
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Piedad Rocío Mora Quintero, "Assessment, analysis and improvement of the energy demand in the actively controlled storage facility from the national museum of Scotland", Escocia:-, 2015. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-05-18.

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Assessment, analysis and improvement of the energy demand in the actively controlled storage facility from the national museum of Scotland

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