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A systematic literature review on software testing techniques experiments: learning about the evolution in the XXI century


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2013
  • Idioma Inglés
The use of evidence based software engineering (EBSE) and the use of systematic literature reviews (SLRs) in software engineering has been growing in the last years. In 2004 Juristo et. al. analyzed the maturity level of the knowledge about testing techniques by examining the previous 25 years (1978-2004) of Testing Technique Experiments. We believe it is time to update the state of the art in testing technique experiments by using a SLR.Objective: To analyzed the maturity level of the knowledge about testing techniques by examining testing technique experiments between years 2000 and 2013. This work tries to complement the previous analysis of Juristo et. al. in 2004 where they analyzed the maturity level of the knowledge about testing techniques by examining the previous 25 years (1978-2004).Method: We undertook a systematic review of papers testing techniques experiments carried out between years 2000 and 2013. Studies were classified with respect to the testing technique family and grouped by their affinity as regards the techniques studied.Results: In the search and selection process we identified 22 relevant papers reporting 26 testing techniques published in Software Engineering conferences and journals between 2000 and mid-2013, after data extraction we reduce this to a list of 16 primary studies belong to four families. Based on this primary studies we extracted and analyzed the necessary information to compare them between each other’s in order to generate our appreciations.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Jorge Enrique González Ortiz, "A systematic literature review on software testing techniques experiments: learning about the evolution in the XXI century", -:-, 2013. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-10-04.

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A systematic literature review on software testing techniques experiments: learning about the evolution in the XXI century

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