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Victims of forced displacement and extreme poverty in Colombia: between uprooting, revictimization and social exclusión


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2012
  • Idioma Inglés
The following study aimed to establish the social and political factors involved in the extreme poverty suffered by most of forcefully displaced persons in Colombia. To do so, a conscientious research was made and a survey was conducted. In addition, it was demonstrated that forced displacement is a strategy used by every violent actor of the internal conflict in Colombia, intended for impose their particular regimes based on violence and inequality. Moreover, was also established the relevance that in conflict has had the unfinished construction of the Colombian state, as well as the key role that has its differentiated presence throughout national territory and its co-opted reconfiguration by legal and illegal actors.Then, it was also shown that poverty goes beyond the economic aspect and involves, specifically for the case of IDPs (Internal Displaced Populations), phenomena such as uprooting, revictimization and social exclusion. Above, remarking the multidimensional character of poverty studied from the Capability Approach (CA) introduced by Amartya Sen and, the central importance that integral measures of it have to acquire a veridical picture of poverty suffered by victims of violence, specifically IDPs.Finally, a case study was carried out in the municipality with the highest number of IDPs in the country after the city of Bogotá, called Soacha. To do so, a survey applied to persons included in the most important program to tackle poverty in the country was conducted, and the role that local authorities have addressing this matter was analyzed; to conclude with a set of policy recommendations.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Yudy Andrea Novoa López, "Victims of forced displacement and extreme poverty in Colombia: between uprooting, revictimization and social exclusión", Colombia:-, 2012. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-07-27.

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Victims of forced displacement and extreme poverty in Colombia: between uprooting, revictimization and social exclusión

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