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Characterization of hybrid systems for rural electrification with renewable energies using Geographic Information Systems (GIS)


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  • Año de publicación 2011
  • Idioma Inglés
The scope of this project is the redefinition of the algorithm of the wind-diesel hybrid system for rural electrification using ©IntiGIS, which is a methodology translated into a software developed by CIEMAT, useful for evaluating rural electrification projects that enables to compare different technologies based on the LEC, allowing to find which is the best and less costly technology. The analysis done considers the social and geographical particularities of the study area.The core of the new model is the definition of the renewable fraction for the wind-diesel hybrid system. For this, it was supposed that the renewable fraction will depend in first instance of the wind speed. Here, the objectives are: - find a relationship between the renewable fraction and the wind speed, and if there is a clear relationship, try to express it as a function, and – prove the influence of other parameters such as the fuel price and the consumption load in the renewable fraction behavior.The methodology followed to achieve the point above, was to use ©HOMER to simulate several wind-diesel hybrid systems and size the components of the system, in order to get the optimal renewable fraction in different scenarios. Other important point in the model is the wind capacity factor calculation for medium power wind turbines. As a result of the study, the model is more accurate estimating this factor, due to the fact the study was made, taking into account the power curves of some wind turbines that are in the market and are used for electrification purposes, in order to get an average behavior of the capacity factor when wind speed increases.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Juan Pablo Borda Ángel, "Characterization of hybrid systems for rural electrification with renewable energies using Geographic Information Systems (GIS)", Guamá (Santiago de Cuba, Cuba); Acandí (Chocó, Colombia):-, 2011. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-04-18.

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Characterization of hybrid systems for rural electrification with renewable energies using Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

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