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Imagen de referencia de Recursos para enseñar arte

Recursos para enseñar arte

En esta colección encontrarás materiales gratuitos para la enseñanza de arte en secundaria y media basados en los lineamientos del Ministerio de Educación Nacional.
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Imagen de apoyo de  Hacer visible lo invisible: la experiencia estética en la corporeidad y pedagogía de la danza

Hacer visible lo invisible: la experiencia estética en la corporeidad y pedagogía de la danza

Por: Amanda Ruth Quinchanegua Forero | Fecha: 01/01/2019

The following researching intents to offor a closer work to the dance, in order to go depth more in the human formalive sense of who have decided to work a specific pedagogical technic or proposal, and because they have put in practice it in their sensible and esthetic practice. Actually, it is observed that the dance practice is being used as a tool inside the school, aiso because the students' practice is being projected in a final sample called ''Carnival" or "Festival". The researching question is: What are the conceptions of Esthetic Sensibility in relation with the Corporeality and the pedagogical practice of dances teachers of six public schoois of the Forth Localitv San Cristobal in Bogotá, and whose work is oriented to the projection and performance? Also. the main objective is focused to determine the conceptions of each category mentioned in the question, with the aim of indicating the formative and practice sense to ninth grade. The researching question is answered by a Descriptive Method with a type of non-probabilistic sample, the technics used were: the interview and the observation, and the designed instruments were: were: the semí-structured interview and the passive participant observation. The results that evidence evidence the teachers' conceptions and a!so they indicate the correspondent achievements to the categories planned in their practice. AddiüonaHy, .it is important to take into account that it was perceived a separation among the conceptíon and the practice in the development of the teachers' class.
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Hacer visible lo invisible: la experiencia estética en la corporeidad y pedagogía de la danza

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