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Diario de los nuevos descubrimientos de todas las ciencias físicas, que tienen alguna relación con las diferentes partes del arte de curar [Recurso electrónico] / publicado en París por M. de Fourcroy

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Imagen de apoyo de  Performance Evaluation Of The Clinimacs System For The Positive Selection Of CD34+ Cells From Stem Cell Products Factors Affecting CD34+ Cell Recovery

Performance Evaluation Of The Clinimacs System For The Positive Selection Of CD34+ Cells From Stem Cell Products Factors Affecting CD34+ Cell Recovery

Por: Guillermo Andrés Orjuela Falla | Fecha: 01/01/2009

CD34+ cell dose in the transplanted product is still considered a measure of the engraftment potential in haemopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). CD34+ selected products are characterised by their high purity and depleted T-cells. These characteristics have made them traditionally suitable to decrease the incidence of graft versus host disease, particularly in haploidentical HSCT.The CliniMACS is a state of the art cell sorting system based on magnetic particles conjugated to CD34 antibodies. This study retrospectively evaluated the CliniMACS system performance in terms of CD34+ purity and cell recovery, and T-cell depletion in the selected product. The results were compared against target values fixed by the processing centre, as well as against published data. Factors affecting the CD34+ cell recovery were also investigated and a pilot study was carried out to assess the effect of cryopreservation on the viability of the selected products. In total, 151 procedures were analysed.The mean recovery and purity were 64.82 + 16.19 and 88.0 + 11.0% respectively. The mean T-cell depletion was 4.7021 + 0.5129 logs. Only purity was slightly below the specification (90%), with the lowest values obtained from peripheral blood (PB) collections. Factors affecting the recoveries were the overall age of the product (p=0.001), overnight storage (p=0.002), and the use of a particular tubing set with the instrument (p=0.002).The mean CD34+ viability was not significantly different to the value before cryopreservation (p=0.068). Results from this study were comparable with published data of the CliniMACS system performance. Local investigations regarding the purity of PB products should be performed. For the first time, using a magnetic separation method, factors affecting CD34+ recovery were identified. The significance of the effect of product age and overnight storage on cell recovery, provide a rationale for further prospective studies
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Performance Evaluation Of The Clinimacs System For The Positive Selection Of CD34+ Cells From Stem Cell Products Factors Affecting CD34+ Cell Recovery

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Imagen de apoyo de  Attitudes towards body size and physical appearance among Colombian and American college students:A Multi-cultural Study = Actitudes hacia el tamaño del cuerpo y apariencia fisica en estudiantes universitarios Colombianos y Americanos: Un Estudio Multi-C

Attitudes towards body size and physical appearance among Colombian and American college students:A Multi-cultural Study = Actitudes hacia el tamaño del cuerpo y apariencia fisica en estudiantes universitarios Colombianos y Americanos: Un Estudio Multi-C

Por: Natalia Rojas Segura | Fecha: 01/01/2009

The current study analyzed attitudes towards size and physical appearance among four hundred and seventy Colombian and two hundred and ten American college students. The effects of gender and culture (and their interaction) on thin ideal internalization, sociocultural pressure to be thin, and body image dissatisfaction were examined in the sample. Results from the study showed that there are differences between gender and country: Colombian students perceived themselves as having a better body image overall compared to American students; females from both countries had a lower body image satisfaction compared to males. Surprisingly, males from both countries worry about their physical size and appearance. Implications for future research include validating instruments especially for a Colombian population, as well as continuing to include males in studies related to body image and eating disorders because it was found that they were also unsatisfied with their overall body image. 
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Medicina

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Attitudes towards body size and physical appearance among Colombian and American college students:A Multi-cultural Study = Actitudes hacia el tamaño del cuerpo y apariencia fisica en estudiantes universitarios Colombianos y Americanos: Un Estudio Multi-C

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Imagen de apoyo de  El ser humano y la perspectiva de género influenciando la vida y la salud

El ser humano y la perspectiva de género influenciando la vida y la salud

Por: María Angélica; Backes Arzuaga Salazar | Fecha: 01/01/2008

Se trata de una reflexión crítica con base en revisión de literatura y en discusiones desarrolladas en el seminario sobre “El ser humano y la perspectiva de género influenciando el vivir y la salud” de la disciplina “Proceso de Vivir y la Salud Humana” del Doctorado de Enfermería del Programa de Posgrado en Enfermería de la Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina -PEN/UFSC, (Brasil).Además de las discusiones ontológicas, epistemológicas y filosóficas abordadas, las reflexiones sobre género posibilitaron comprender la complejidad del tema y la creciente necesidad de incluirlo en las prácticas de salud/enfermería. Entendiendo el fenómeno “género” no sólo como un objeto de investigación, sino principalmente como una categoría de análisis que traspasa las relaciones entre mujeres y hombres.El estudio posibilitó comprender y ampliar la categoría género más allá de laidentidad biológica - reduccionista relacionada solamente al significado sexo. De otro modo, expresa una representación histórico-cultural asociada al poder, al trabajo, la violencia entre otros, influenciando el vivir y la salud.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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El ser humano y la perspectiva de género influenciando la vida y la salud

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Imagen de apoyo de  El  cuerpo subordinado y politizado: reflexión crítica sobre género y antropología médica

El cuerpo subordinado y politizado: reflexión crítica sobre género y antropología médica

Por: Patricia Tovar | Fecha: 22/06/2005

El artículo evalúa el impacto social de la medicina en los cuerpos de las mujeres y construye un panorama sobre la salud tan cercano como sea posible a la realidad social. Muestra cómo los desarrollos de la medicina afectan a las mujeres de forma diversa, lo cual apenas comienzan a tener en cuenta quienes investigan, practican la medicina o diseñan las políticas públicas. Contiene un recuento de los estudios realizados desde la antropología médica en Colombia y cómo han visto el género y la reproducción. Continúa con una crítica de la medicina, no cómo una historia de éxito que nos llevará a la cura de todas las enfermedades, sino desde su lado oscuro, que en vez de beneficiar afecta a las mujeres de manera negativa. Se refiere, específicamente, al caso de la medicina cosmética con ánimo de lucro. El análisis termina con una mirada a la violencia, doméstica y social, y a su impacto en la salud pública.
Fuente: Icanh - Revista Colombiana de Antropología Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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El cuerpo subordinado y politizado: reflexión crítica sobre género y antropología médica

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Imagen de apoyo de  Approximal caries: Prevalence and progression rate in Young Danish adults and an innovative non-operative approach for lesions around the EDJ

Approximal caries: Prevalence and progression rate in Young Danish adults and an innovative non-operative approach for lesions around the EDJ

Por: Stefania Martignon | Fecha: 01/01/2005

A literature review disclosed that even under very strict caries preventive control, in young Swedish people many initial approximal lesions slowly progress. A study was performed to investigate if the same trend could be seen in young Danish adults. In 1996 a group of Danish military conscripts were investigated clinically and radiographically. Based on the radiographs, one lesion with radiolucency up to one third in the dentine was randomly selected from each conscript.Contact was established with these former conscripts in 2002 and radiographs taken around 2002 were used to investigate the state of the selected lesions in terms of regression, stabilization or progression. It was observed that about 60% of the selected lesions had progressed during the 5 to 6 year period. Therefore there was a need to look for other preventive measures than those traditionally used in a Danish context, such as instructions in flossing and local application of fluoride. Looking through the literature, it was realized that sealing of occlusal lesions was highly effective but this procedure was not used on approximal surfaces.The next step was to investigate if it was technically possible to seal approximal lesions and if so what material should be used. A laboratory study was conducted in which 6 dental materials were compared in relation to: their handling, presence at the surface of the lesion, and ability to penetrate into a lesion. Based on that study Gluma One Bond® (Heraeus Kulzer) was selected to be used in further studies. The final step was an 18-month clinical investigation to evaluate the effect of sealing approximal lesions. About 80 young adults from Denmark and Colombia participated in this investigation; each had at least 2 initial approximal lesions.One lesion was selected for sealing; the other one acted as control. Baseline radiographs were taken by means of special equipment so new radiographs could be taken in the same position after 18 months. The sealing procedure was performed in accordance with the guideline designed in the laboratory study. The patient was instructed to floss all sealed and non-sealed approximal lesions. Radiographs were used to assess caries progression in the test and control lesions in three ways: by comparing baseline with final scoring of the lesions on the individual conventional radiographs, by reading the conventional radiographs as pairs and finally using subtraction radiography of digitized images.The examiner was blind to lesion type (test or control) for all comparisons and also blind to whether radiographs were baseline or follow up in the case of examinations of the single radiographs and paired comparison. Repeat assessment of the radiographs was conducted on 20% of the radiographs and the subtraction images. For the paired comparison of radiographs and subtraction radiography assessment significantly more control lesions progressed (47.2%; 85%) than test lesions (22.2%; 43%) (P-values<0.05). For the independent examination of the radiographs a similar pattern was seen but the difference between the two groups was not statistically significant (P=0.06).In conclusion, many approximal lesions seemed to progress on young adults irrespective of the preventive regime they were advised to take. This study has developed and investigated a technique for sealing early approximal lesions which seems to be more effective at preventing lesion progression than conventional interventions such as brushing and flossing. There is a need however, for defining more precisely criteria at selecting lesions to be sealed; for developing better materials in terms of better penetration skill and that they stay there, and for clinical investigations which evaluate the long term effect of sealing the approximal lesions.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Medicina

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Approximal caries: Prevalence and progression rate in Young Danish adults and an innovative non-operative approach for lesions around the EDJ

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Socorredor minero: tratamiento de fracturas - Módulo No. 6

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Imagen de apoyo de  Socorredor minero: diagnóstico de un lesionado - Módulo No. 2

Socorredor minero: diagnóstico de un lesionado - Módulo No. 2

Por: Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje. Regional Boyacá. Centro Nacional Minero | Fecha: 01/01/1993

En esta cartilla se dan los conocimientos teóricos y el procedimiento general para elaborar el diagnóstico lo más acertadamente posible y brindar al paciente la asistencia requerida en forma adecuada  y eficiente, con los elementos que disponga el socorredor en el sitio de emergencia.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Libros
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Socorredor minero: diagnóstico de un lesionado - Módulo No. 2

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Imagen de apoyo de  Socorredor minero: resucitación con pulmotor - Módulo No. 4

Socorredor minero: resucitación con pulmotor - Módulo No. 4

Por: Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje. Regional Boyacá. Centro Nacional Minero | Fecha: 01/01/1993

Con el fin de que el socorredor pueda aplicar el método de la resucitación con pulmotor en forma eficiente y segura, se dan en esta cartilla los conocimientos teóricos y prácticos requeridos para su empleo en una emergencia determinada.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Libros
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Socorredor minero: resucitación con pulmotor - Módulo No. 4

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Socorredor minero: transporte de lesionados - Módulo No. 7

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