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Imagen de apoyo de  Efectos del modelo de Mejoramiento Educativo Distrital para la Excelencia Académica (MEDEA) en la calidad educativa del Colegio San José Sur Oriental

Efectos del modelo de Mejoramiento Educativo Distrital para la Excelencia Académica (MEDEA) en la calidad educativa del Colegio San José Sur Oriental

Por: Juan Pablo Betancur Herrera | Fecha: 2019

This research titled effects of the district educational improvement model for academic excellence (MEDEA) in the educational quality of the school, Colegio San José Sur Oriental. It is part of the quality education policy of Mayor Gustavo Petra 2012 - 2016, called Knowledge Building, Inclusive, diverse and quality education to enjoy and learn. In this context of public policy and taking into account the evalúation research, an evaluation of the effects on the educational quality of the implementation of the accreditation model in a public institution in the city was carried out, based on the triangulation of interviews and documentary analysis. This tapie is pertinent because it is related to the aims of the Master's Degree in Evaluation and Quality Assurance of Education of the University Universidad Externado de Colombia, because it delves into the methods and tools for the design and execution of qualitative and quantitative evaluations. The school Colegio San José Sur Oriental IED, located in the district of San Cristóbal in Bogotá, Colombia; was presented to be accredited using this model but, although it was not certified, it did develop the stages on which the model for certification is based: Self evaluation, Institutional Plan for Agreed Improvement and External Evaluation.
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia Tipo de contenido: Otros
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Efectos del modelo de Mejoramiento Educativo Distrital para la Excelencia Académica (MEDEA) en la calidad educativa del Colegio San José Sur Oriental

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Imagen de apoyo de  Efectos del gasto de infraestructura educativa en el desempeño escolar : caso instituciones educativas públicas oficiales de la localidad de Suba en Bogotá D.C. Periodo 2012-015

Efectos del gasto de infraestructura educativa en el desempeño escolar : caso instituciones educativas públicas oficiales de la localidad de Suba en Bogotá D.C. Periodo 2012-015

Por: Henry Villamarin Serrano | Fecha: 2018

There is literature for other countries in Latin America about the relationship between investments in maintenance and provision of infrastructure and educational performance. For the Colombian case, similar works are unknown. Specifically, there are no studies on the resources invested by the Secretaries of Education and the Educational Services Funds in the face of the results of the knowledge tests of students from public institutions. Secondary data were analyzed and 587 surveys were applied in educational institutions of the Suba Locality of Bogota as the first pilot scenario to develop this analysis at the Colombian level. The results show that there is not enough empirical evidence to show that the resources invested in connectivity, locative maintenance, school feeding and other items, have a positive impact on the results of student knowledge tests. Although, the results should be interpreted with caution, they are clear in showing that one should begin to review the current model of allocation of resources from the Ministry of Education and the institutions to encourage better indicators of educational performance.
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia Tipo de contenido: Otros
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Efectos del gasto de infraestructura educativa en el desempeño escolar : caso instituciones educativas públicas oficiales de la localidad de Suba en Bogotá D.C. Periodo 2012-015

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Imagen de apoyo de  Efectos de la obligatoriedad del seguro de vida grupo deudores en el crédito hipotecario

Efectos de la obligatoriedad del seguro de vida grupo deudores en el crédito hipotecario

Por: Andrés Felipe Zuluaga Sierra | Fecha: 2019

The banks when granting a mortgage credit contractually require the debtor to pay the lile insurance premium for the clebtor group that is hirecl by the bank through a bidding process through which it establishes the scope of the insurance contract, in which the bank is the borrower, the debtor is the insured and the onerous beneficiary is the same bank. This practice rnay eventually constitute an abusive clause, since: (i) it is not compulsory insurance, (ii) for the existence of the debtor group life insurance the consent of the insured-debtor is not necessary, ancl (iii) the Contractual demand is the result of an abuse of the dominant positlon held by the financial institution against the financial consumer. Consequently we have that in a mortgage loan for housing financing the requirement of a group life insurance is constituted in an abuse of dominant position that is instrumentalized through the inclusion of saicl requirement within the contract of mutual, promissory note and mortgage, which lt is an abusive clause. Not only for the abuse of the dominant position but because only by law can compulsory insurance be created, the benefit of the insurance is for the financial institution and who pays the premium is the debtor who paradoxically is nota contracting party in the insurance contract, but rnust "Adhere" to the group lile policy that the bank has previously tendered to secure its portfolio. This assurance of your portfolio through the clebtor group life insurance, mainly benefits the bank allows you to securitize your portfolio and release resources from the established provisions, since when an active operation has additional security, the amount far which the provision should be included of portfolio clecreases.
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia Tipo de contenido: Otros
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Efectos de la obligatoriedad del seguro de vida grupo deudores en el crédito hipotecario

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Imagen de apoyo de  Efectividad del programa de desarrollo profesional docente en el Instituto Alberto Merani

Efectividad del programa de desarrollo profesional docente en el Instituto Alberto Merani

Por: Yesid Alonso Parra Riveros | Fecha: 2018

El presente escrito presenta el panorama de los programas y mecanismos de formación de los docentes en ejercicio en varios países de América Latina, así como las políticas emprendidas en este campo en Colombia. A partir de este marco, hace la evaluación del programa de formación de los docentes del lnstituto Alberto Merani con la intención de establecer el impacto que este ha tenido para sus docentes y en especial para la institución. Esta investigación buscara establecer si puede un modelo de formación profesional docente basado en el conocimiento de la propuesta pedagógica, la experiencia acumulada por los docentes y orientado por la misma institución, modificar las competencias de los docentes e impactar en el mejoramiento de las instituciones. Para hacer la valoración del programa, emplea las teorías de la evaluación responsiva de Robert Stake, mostrando un diseño metodológico de cómo se puede emplear este modelo de evaluación.
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia Tipo de contenido: Otros
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Efectividad del programa de desarrollo profesional docente en el Instituto Alberto Merani

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Imagen de apoyo de  Education in a Transnational Context: Representations of Haiti and Haitians in the Schools of the Dominican Bateyes = La educación en un contexto transnacional: representaciones de Haití y los haitianos en las escuelas de los bateyes dominicanos

Education in a Transnational Context: Representations of Haiti and Haitians in the Schools of the Dominican Bateyes = La educación en un contexto transnacional: representaciones de Haití y los haitianos en las escuelas de los bateyes dominicanos

Por: Natalia Gómez Muñoz | Fecha: 2018

Abstract: At the beginning of the 20th Century, during the boom of sugar production in Latin America, the Dominican Republic built the “bateyes”, small towns with some coarse barracks used for the temporary housing of foreign workforce, coming mainly from Haiti. These settings gradually became permanent dwelling places, and nowadays are found across the Dominican Republic. However, in spite of their complex history and contemporary particularities, mainly related with the transnational dynamics the population maintains with Haiti, the bateyes have been relatively little studied and remain underrepresented in academic research. This study seeks to contribute to fill the abovementioned void, focusing on the context of formal education. The goal of this study is analyzing the representations of Haiti and Haitians that circulate in some schools of the “bateyes”, with data gathered in public educational institutions that are mainly attended by students of Haitian origin. The focus of the study is particularly relevant since formal schooling is usually a tool of the State and its institutions to reproduce dominant and hegemonic ideologies (Gramsci, 1967; Gramsci, 1971), and such ideologies in the Dominican Republic are strongly based on anti-Haitians sentiments and a mainstream rejection of blackness (Eller, 2016; Gavigan, 1995; Hintzen, 2014; Simmons, 2010; Valdéz, 2015). The thesis presents a critical analysis of the standards and textbooks used in the Social Studies program, focusing on how topics related to Haiti are approached, and which representations and values they embrace. Then, based on ethnographical data, it examines the discourses of ten teachers regarding Haiti and their own students of Haitian descent. With the intention of presenting a general panorama at the representations of Haiti circulating in the school setting of the bateyes, this work first describes how the standards and textbooks of Social Studies largely cast Haiti as a historic enemy and as a burden to the Dominican Republic. Then, the second section explains how the teachers reproduce the dominant ideology of national identity of the Dominican Republic in their schooling practices, and how they express racist and anti-Haitian discourses, with active statements as well as with several silences and omissions in their discursive practices. The tensions, ruptures and incongruences of the teachers are central in this analysis, since according to them the students of Haitian origin do not conform categorically to the mainstream representations of Haitian identity. All the reflections are drawn from a multidisciplinary six-week fieldwork season conducted in 2017 in the municipality of Consuelo, in southern Dominican Republic, (1) to gather the educational standards and textbooks used in Social Studies in the schools, and (2) to conduct interviews with teachers of some educational institutions that have a high attendance of children of Haitian descent. The interviews initially inquired about the teachers’ handling of the schooling materials; their gendered notions on the immigration of people of Haitian origin in the country; and finally, about their views on their own students of Haitian descent. The data was analyzed having as theoretical and methodological framework the premises of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) that aims to bring together elements of discourse analysis and social theory to understand, uncover and ultimately transform situations of social injustice (c.f. Van Dijk, 1993).
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Education in a Transnational Context: Representations of Haiti and Haitians in the Schools of the Dominican Bateyes = La educación en un contexto transnacional: representaciones de Haití y los haitianos en las escuelas de los bateyes dominicanos

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Imagen de apoyo de  Education and participation processes among bioprospecting in three regions of Colombia = Procesos de educación y participación en proyectos de bioprospección en tres regiones de Colombia

Education and participation processes among bioprospecting in three regions of Colombia = Procesos de educación y participación en proyectos de bioprospección en tres regiones de Colombia

Por: Ana Lucía Estrada Jaramillo | Fecha: 2012

This research project is focused on bioprospecting activities in Colombia. As its main objectives, the research will describe and compare nature and biodiversity constructions among different social actors, analyse education and participation processes in three regions where bioprospecting research has been conducted taking into account benefit sharing, intellectual property rights and genetic access; and finally, identify knowledge and technology transfer of biopropespecting research in the three regions under study. Content analysis of media and documents along with ethnography will be conducted as research methods.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ciencias sociales

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Education and participation processes among bioprospecting in three regions of Colombia = Procesos de educación y participación en proyectos de bioprospección en tres regiones de Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Educación y Cuidado de la Primera Infancia: un Análisis Económico = Early Childhood Education and Care: an Economic Analysis

Educación y Cuidado de la Primera Infancia: un Análisis Económico = Early Childhood Education and Care: an Economic Analysis

Por: Rocío Vera Llanos | Fecha: 2009

This thesis considers the most current knowledge of the importance of investing in early childhood education and care (ECEC) programs with a focus on the economic benefits: higher rate of returns to education, higher productivity, lower crime rates, higher government savings and breaking up intergenerational poverty. Although the evidence suggests significant short-term effects in terms of educational benefits (e.g. lower repetition rates and special education), the empirical evidence for the economic benefits is still not as significant as it is desirable for their generalization. Therefore, it shows the need for more reliable information to construct a stronger argument leading governments to decide ipso facto increasing the educational expenditures in early childhood education programs.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Economía

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Educación y Cuidado de la Primera Infancia: un Análisis Económico = Early Childhood Education and Care: an Economic Analysis

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Imagen de apoyo de  Educación artística y desarrollo humano ¿libertad de creación o condicionamiento regulado?

Educación artística y desarrollo humano ¿libertad de creación o condicionamiento regulado?

Por: Gisette Alexandra Guevara Hurtado | Fecha: 2019

Postgraduate thesis in which the author addresses issues presented in the subject of design, from thearea of Art Education at IED Castilla. Evidence that many of the problerns (hour intensity, reduction and substitution in the curriculum, community assessrnent, among others) are common, not only at local and national levels, but also at a global level. On the other hand, it highlights the importance of art education at the school, as well as its beneficial role as an integral forrnation of the BEING. Evaluates the scope of the artistic competences established by MEN (2010) and proposes curricular improvements that lead to a better use of the subject and the area of Art Education.
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia Tipo de contenido: Otros
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Educación artística y desarrollo humano ¿libertad de creación o condicionamiento regulado?

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Imagen de apoyo de  Educación artística y desarrollo humano en el Liceo Santa Teresita de Lisieux: del tener al ser.

Educación artística y desarrollo humano en el Liceo Santa Teresita de Lisieux: del tener al ser.

Por: Andrés Enrique Urrego Muñoz | Fecha: 2018

The following document, presents some of the current problems that happen in a private school in Bogota, finding that those problems are very common not only in Colombia but also in other countries around the world. On the other hand, this research stands out the importance of artistical education on education and establishes links between human development (seen from the existential mode of being) and artistical education, pave the way to understand the existing and genuine relationship between human being, artistical education and human development taken from the existential mode of being.
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia Tipo de contenido: Otros
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Educación artística y desarrollo humano en el Liceo Santa Teresita de Lisieux: del tener al ser.

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Imagen de apoyo de  Ecosystem Services of Protected Areas in the provision of water quality for the Magdalena River basin (Colombia) and its relationships with Diarrheal Diseases

Ecosystem Services of Protected Areas in the provision of water quality for the Magdalena River basin (Colombia) and its relationships with Diarrheal Diseases

Por: Leidy Viviana Rosero Henao | Fecha: 2015

Abstract: This study describes the application of Waterworld (a policy support system), in assessing the possible Ecosystem Services (ES) of Protected Areas (PAs) in the Magdalena River basin (Colombia), related to the provision of WQ gains to downstream populations and its relationships with diarrheal disease incidence. This was achieved by applying Land Use Change (LUC) scenarios to grazing and cropping inside the PAs of the Magdalena basin and analysing the potential impacts on the Human footprint Water Quality (Diarrheal Relevant) (HFWQ-DR) index in downstream rivers and population centres. Results indicate that LUC to grazing inside the PAs increases the HFWQ-DR index, suggesting that PAs do provide WQ gains downstream and that such LUC affects in more proportion this ES than an agricultural LUC, which obtained a reduction in the HFWQ-DR index. This study also emphasises the importance of PAs for the conservation of natural resources, especially hydrology, and the importance of identifying the ES that they provide in order to support public policies that enhance their protection and extension. Resumen: El estudio describe la aplicación de Waterworld (un sistema de soporte de decisiones basado en la web) para determinar los posibles servicios ecosistemicos (SE) de las áreas protegidas (AP) en la cuenca del Río Magdalena (Colombia), relacionados con la provisión de mayor calidad de agua para las poblaciones aguas abajo y sus relaciones con la incidencia en enfermedades diarreicas. Esto se logró mediante la aplicación de escenarios con cambios en el uso del suelo dentro de las áreas protegidas a usos de tipo pastoreo y agrícola para posteriormente analizar los potenciales impactos en el índice de Huella humana para la calidad de agua relevante a diarrea (Human footprint on water quality – diarrheal relevant, HFWQ-DR) en los ríos y centros poblados ubicados aguas abajo de las AP. Los resultados indicaron que cambios en el uso del suelo a pastoreo dentro de las AP incrementan el índice HFWQ-DR, lo cual sugiere que las AP si proveen mayor calidad de agua en ríos y poblaciones aguas abajo y que tales cambios en el uso del suelo afectan en mayor proporción estos SE en comparación con cambios de uso del suelo agrícolas, los cuales obtuvieron una reducción en el índice de HFWQ-DR, aunque en un menor grado. Este estudio también enfatiza la importancia de las AP en la conservación de los recursos naturales, especialmente hidrológicos y la importancia de identificar los SE que ellas proveen para soportar políticas públicas que puedan incrementar y mejorar su protección y extensión.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Ecosystem Services of Protected Areas in the provision of water quality for the Magdalena River basin (Colombia) and its relationships with Diarrheal Diseases

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