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Imagen de apoyo de  Public policy frameworks for reducing social and health inequities based on determinants of health and transectorality: an exploratory qualitative study on the policy-makers’ perspectives on the Cundinamarca - Colombia experiences

Public policy frameworks for reducing social and health inequities based on determinants of health and transectorality: an exploratory qualitative study on the policy-makers’ perspectives on the Cundinamarca - Colombia experiences

Por: Ana Ragonesi Muñoz | Fecha: 2015

CONTEXT: Equity-oriented policies based on social determinants of health (SDH) and intersectoral approaches have become a high level priority on the public sector agenda (Whitehead et al, 2006) and generated much research (Roberts, 2009). However, little is known on the conditions leading to successful implementation of these policies and the challenges facing decision-makers (PAHO, 2014, WHO, 2015). This study aimed to provide more evidence on these conditions and challenges by drawing on the experience of Cundinamarca-Colombia. RESOURCES AND METHODS: This study followed an exploratory qualitative approach. Key informant interviews method was used, with face-to-face semi-structure interviews conducted with public policy-making leaders at the national (Colombia) and subnational levels (Cundinamarca). Thirty interviews were conducted from February 26 to April 14, 2015. Thematic content analysis was carried out on the interviews and Governmental documents and secondary data sources were reviewed (published literature from 1985 - 2015). RESULTS: Among the key elements identified by the participants to work on the “determinants of health” and “transectoral” approaches was the “paradigm shift” from a “dominant health thinking” of the public policies to the adoption of more “inclusive concepts” such as the determinants of quality of life. The strengthening of “territorial planning” and sectoral competencies”, the interrelation of “synergistic approaches”, and the use of Information and Communication Technologies were also mentioned. Likewise, respondents reported on a number of challenges such as the State structure and the uneven development of sectors; and barriers related to “sectoral sovereignty”. CONCLUSIONS: The analysis of the experience of Cundinamarca-Colombia has shown that emerging concepts such as “transectorality”, “Health Management Models”, and “Determinants of Quality of Life” along with considerations regarding the State structure and the role of subnational governments and communities should inform the implementation of equity-based policies. However, further work is needed to cover the full range of conditions to successful implementation and to better appraise the impact of these approaches on the population.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Medicina

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Public policy frameworks for reducing social and health inequities based on determinants of health and transectorality: an exploratory qualitative study on the policy-makers’ perspectives on the Cundinamarca - Colombia experiences

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Imagen de apoyo de  Public service delivery in post-conflict situations: the case of public-private partnerships (PPPs) in education in Colombia

Public service delivery in post-conflict situations: the case of public-private partnerships (PPPs) in education in Colombia

Por: Ana María González Ruiz | Fecha: 2015

This paper explores the participation of non-state providers in public service delivery in post-conflict reconstruction societies particularly for the provision of education. Using a qualitative research method the literature regarding state capacity and governance in war-to-peace transitions is assessed to identify the pros and cons of private sector intervention. As a case study the model of public-private partnerships (PPPs) in education in Colombia is analysed in order to examine the extent to which engagements with non-state actors can be a complementary strategy to assist former combatants and victims during the implementation of a potential peace agreement between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – FARC. The Colombian model developed through the Familiar Compensation Fund – Cajas de Compensación Familiar – may be an alternative to offering educational programmes for children and youth ex-combatants. In the light of the plausible signing of a final peace agreement the provision of effective incentives in terms of basic public services will be a key driver for peacebuilding. The importance of education in development and processes of reintegration is well known, but the challenge is how to deliver adequate teaching services for children and young fighters in a context characterized by low state capacity and resource constraints. According to institutional frameworks, the model of PPPs in Colombia has served to deliver social programmes to poor communities, former combatants and victims of the armed conflict. Therefore, the case study is framed in four regions: Bogotá, Antioquia, Putumayo and Caquetá where the majority of the municipalities of the post-conflict will be concentrated except for Bogotá. The Familiar Compensation system, also known as Social Security Institutions, is a fundamental actor in the development of the Colombian social policy. Apart from providing social welfare services to workers and targeted communities, these institutions are key allies of the government in the implementation and execution of public programmes regarding the delivery of education, housing and health services given their experience, infrastructure, good practices and national coverage to reach the population in urban and rural regions. This innovative coordination between the public and private sector is also seen in the active role the Family Compensation Fund has in the articulation and definition of public policies at national and regional levels. Likewise, the SSIs have participated actively in the delivery of public education through different type of contracts under specific socio-economic requirements and governmental policies in order to benefit disadvantaged children and adults including demobilized and victims. The SSIs CAFAM, COMFAMILIAR PUTUMAYO, COMFACA and COMFAMA operate a variety of educational and complementary programmes according to the needs of each region. Some of them have worked together to deliver non-traditional educational services in municipalities intensely affected by the internal conflict, which are funded by both governmental and international agencies. In a post-conflict setting, the intervention of the SSIs as non-state providers would be crucial for state building as a result of the coordination mechanisms developed so far between the state and the private sector; the institutional and operational capacity of the SSIs in the provision of social services; and the accountability mechanism created to supervise and control the Family Compensation system through the Superintendence of Family Subsidy. Hence strengthening engagements with non-state actors in Colombia may contribute to restoring legitimacy and accountability in marginalized regions exercising the state an indirect role in service delivery via regulation and monitoring. Still accountability will need to be reinforced since some SSIs have been intervened due to political clientelism and local elite capture of decision-making, which have undermined their social impact in the communities where they operate. Nonetheless, the successful experiences of the Family Compensation Funds – among which are entrepreneurship, housing, microcredit, and education services – can be replicated and articulated in rural areas following the alternative model of PPPs in service delivery.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Public service delivery in post-conflict situations: the case of public-private partnerships (PPPs) in education in Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Public-Private Partnerships for Peacebuilding. The case of Meta in Colombia = Alianzas público-privadas para la construcción de paz: el caso del Meta en Colombia

Public-Private Partnerships for Peacebuilding. The case of Meta in Colombia = Alianzas público-privadas para la construcción de paz: el caso del Meta en Colombia

Por: Aida Constanza Gomez Valderrama | Fecha: 2019

Regional governmental institutions of the Department Meta with the support of the GIZ and the constant participation of tourism service providers are developing the tourism sector as an economic development and peacebuilding strategy. This thesis is an exploratory qualitative research that aims to understand how each of these actors affect peace in the region. To do so, it uses The Pillars of Peace, created by the Institute of Economics and Peace, and an additional category (Enhancement of Social Tissue) as a guiding framework. Based on the interaction among the actors, the research seeks to detect potential conflicts, inefficiencies, and absences. The ‘actions’ classified in each Pillar come from statements in official documentation, reports, and secondary sources such as documentaries. In addition, four interviews were conducted: One with an employee of the Tourism Institute of Meta, and three with the founders of tourism businesses. The partnership has both synergies and problems. The work methodology of the partnership presented in this case study has improved peace not only by providing economic opportunities but by creating an environment that prioritizes human development. This is reflected by the fact that the three actors point several of their activities toward the Pillars Equitable Distribution of Resources, Acceptance of the Rights of Others, and High Level of Human Capital. It is noteworthy that the advantages of tourism for peacebuilding claimed often in the literature were not evidenced in the case presented. In fact, often the rhetoric of the conflict and historical places are seen only as touristic products for the enjoyment of tourists and not at the service of the community. Additionally, the heightening of local culture has shown negative impacts by increasing regionalisms. Resumen: Instituciones gubernamentales regionales del departamento del Meta, con el apoyo de la GIZ y la constante participación de proveedores de servicios turísticos, han estado desarrollando el sector turístico como una estrategia para el desarrollo económico y la construcción de paz. Esta tesis es una investigación exploratoria cualitativa que busca entender cómo cada uno de estos actores afectan la paz en la región. Para este fin, se usa como marco de referencia Los Pilares de la Paz, creados por el Instituto para la Economía y la Paz, junto con una categoría adicional (Mejora del tejido social). Basado en la interacción entre los actores, esta investigación busca detectar potenciales conflictos, ineficiencias y ausencias. Las “acciones” clasificadas en cada pilar provienen de declaraciones en documentos oficiales, reportes, y fuentes secundarias como documentales. Adicionalmente, se condujeron cuatro entrevistas: una a una empleada del Instituto de Turismo del Meta y otras tres a dueños de empresas turísticas. Esta alianza muestra tanto sinergias como problemas. La metodología de trabajo presentada en este estudio de caso ha mejorado la paz no solo al brindar oportunidades económicas, sino al crear un ambiente que prioriza el desarrollo humano. Esto se refleja en el hecho de que los tres actores apuntan varias de sus actividades hacia los pilares Distribución Equitativa de Recursos, Aceptación de los Derechos de los Demás y Alto Nivel de Capital Humano. Es de destacar que las ventajas del turismo para la consolidación de la paz que a menudo se afirman en la literatura no se evidenciaron en el caso presentado. De hecho, a menudo la retórica del conflicto y los lugares históricos se ven solo como productos turísticos para el disfrute de los turistas y no al servicio de la comunidad. Adicionalmente, la intensificación de la cultura local ha mostrado impactos negativos al aumentar los regionalismos.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Public-Private Partnerships for Peacebuilding. The case of Meta in Colombia = Alianzas público-privadas para la construcción de paz: el caso del Meta en Colombia

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Puertos del mundo y geopolítica portuaria

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Imagen de apoyo de  Punto, línea, trama

Punto, línea, trama

Por: Juliana Soto Vallejo | Fecha: 2023

Abstract: Housework and care have historically been associated with women, the feminine, and have been considered unproductive tasks despite its demanding and inexhaustible nature. It is not by chance that, within the framework of the modern-colonial gender system, these jobs are carried out by migrant and precarious women. This dissertation comprises an investigation about the life stories of migrant women of diverse origins, analyzing the intersection of our life experiences, tightening the thread of power relations that cross us, and exploring how closeness is woven from conversation and company. Through an approach to the embodied knowledge of domestic workers in Spain, it accounts for the creation of a shared intimacy, in a search to challenge the power dynamics that situate us and put the hierarchy between productive, reproductive, and even unproductive jobs in tension. At the same time, it seeks to give birth to an artistic practice that allows the female life experience to be captured under a horizontal logic, conversation, and mutual care. Resumen: Los trabajos de cuidado en el espacio doméstico han estado asociados históricamente con las mujeres, lo femenino, y se han considerado tareas improductivas a pesar de su naturaleza demandante e inagotable. No es casualidad que, en el marco del sistema moderno-colonial de género, estos trabajos sean llevados a cabo por mujeres migrantes y precarizadas. La presente tesina comprende una investigación acerca de historias de vida de mujeres migrantes de orígenes diversos analizando la intersección de nuestras experiencias de vida, tensando el hilo de las relaciones de poder que nos atraviesan y explorando cómo se teje confidencia a partir de la conversación y la compañía. Mediante una aproximación a los saberes encarnados de trabajadoras del hogar en España, da cuenta de la creación de una intimidad compartida, en una búsqueda por desafíar las dinámicas de poder que nos sitúan y poner en tensión la jerarquía entre trabajos productivos, reproductivos e incluso improductivos. A su vez, busca dar a luz una práctica artística que permita plasmar la experiencia de vida femenina bajo una lógica horizontal, de conversación y de cuidado mutuo.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Punto, línea, trama

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Imagen de apoyo de  Q-GIS approach for rural electrification: The Puerto Carreno-Colombia case study = Enfoque Q-GIS para la electrificación rural: el estudio de caso Puerto Carreño, Colombia

Q-GIS approach for rural electrification: The Puerto Carreno-Colombia case study = Enfoque Q-GIS para la electrificación rural: el estudio de caso Puerto Carreño, Colombia

Por: Leonardo Ernesto Sánchez Calderin | Fecha: 2019

During the last years, the electricity consumption have dramatically increased world wide. This force to the electric industry to search for alternative and strategies to overcome this problematic. Since provide electricity carry some costs related to the generation, transmission, distribution, and the civil labor, is necessary also narrowing solutions found attending to this economic view. Then, geographical information systems (GIS) have been used with more strength along many engineering solution. GIS are computer based system, used by many services utilities and government institutions to store, read, edit and analyze data referenced by a spatial coordinate system. Hence, are really useful the solutions to the problematic above described by using GIS approach. However, it is important to precise and ultimate many design tools that employing these GIS solve electrification problems, specifically for those rural areas in which there aren’t to much opportunities. The author rigorously review the majority of the approaches found in literature, with the purpose of classifying the models according to diverse methodologies; models are analyzed in terms of accuracy and computational effort. Then, a GIS approach is proposed, descried and applied in a real case of study in the city of Puerto Carreño Colombia. The goal of this work is to accurately creating a model of the Colombian national transmission system using the GIS tools, and design an optimal distribution grid using kruskal algorithm for a city in Colombia with problem of rural electrification and not interconnected to the National trans- mission system. Finally, using minimum spanning tree algorithm connecting all the distribution substation defined for supply the load in this city, to create the most accurate and suitable distribution system. Durante los últimos años, el consumo de electricidad ha aumentado dramáticamente en todo el mundo. Esto obliga a la industria eléctrica a buscar alternativas y estrategias para superar esta problemática. Dado que proporcionar electricidad conlleva algunos costos relacionados con la generación, transmisión, distribución y mano de obra civil, también es necesario reducir las soluciones que se encuentran atendiendo a esta visión económica. Luego, los sistemas de información geográfica (SIG) se han utilizado con más fuerza a lo largo de muchas soluciones de ingeniería. Los SIG son sistemas basados en computadora, utilizados por muchos servicios públicos e instituciones gubernamentales para almacenar, leer, editar y analizar datos a los que hace referencia un sistema de coordenadas espaciales. Por lo tanto, son realmente útiles las soluciones a la problemática descrita anteriormente mediante el uso del enfoque SIG. Sin embargo, es importante precisar y, en última instancia, muchas herramientas de diseño que empleen estos SIG para resolver problemas de electrificación, específicamente para aquellas áreas rurales en las que no hay muchas oportunidades. El autor revisa rigurosamente la mayoría de los enfoques encontrados en la literatura, con el propósito de clasificar los modelos de acuerdo con diversas metodologías; Los modelos se analizan en términos de precisión y esfuerzo computacional. Luego, se propone, describe y aplica un enfoque SIG en un caso real de estudio en la ciudad de Puerto Carreño, Colombia. El objetivo de este trabajo es crear con precisión un modelo del sistema de transmisión nacional colombiano utilizando las herramientas SIG, y diseñar una red de distribución óptima utilizando el algoritmo kruskal para una ciudad en Colombia con problemas de electrificación rural y no interconectada a la transmisión nacional. sistema. Finalmente, utilizando el algoritmo de árbol de expansión mínimo que conecta todas las subestaciones de distribución definidas para suministrar la carga en esta ciudad, para crear el sistema de distribución más preciso y adecuado.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Q-GIS approach for rural electrification: The Puerto Carreno-Colombia case study = Enfoque Q-GIS para la electrificación rural: el estudio de caso Puerto Carreño, Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  QoS Performance Evaluation of a Real‐Time Mobile Video Surveillance in a LTE Network = Evaluación de Rendimiento de QoS de un Sistema de Video Vigilancia en una red LTE

QoS Performance Evaluation of a Real‐Time Mobile Video Surveillance in a LTE Network = Evaluación de Rendimiento de QoS de un Sistema de Video Vigilancia en una red LTE

Por: Sebastián Pineda Carrillo | Fecha: 2013

Long Term Evolution (LTE) is one of the latest mobile communication technologies being commercially deployed worldwide. It has emerged as a promising technology for new applications such as mobile video surveillance (IPVS) due to its higher data throughputs as well as the quality of the service management capabilities. This work focuses on the performance evaluation of a mobile and real-time IPVS system over a LTE network in both operation modes, namely FDD and TDD. The QoS Requirements for the IPVS were defined and two simulation analyses were performed in OPNET Modeler in order to compare them to the QoS Delivered. The first analysis studied the performance of the IPVS service from a capacity point of view in a single cell scenario while the second analysis looked at the performance of the IPVS service in a sample network configuration including several cells. In light of the analysed results it was evidenced the flexibility of TDD operation mode in terms of capacity as well as its higher delay and packet delay behaviours in comparison with FDD operation mode. Additionally it was shown that TDD index 6 does not comply with the QoS performance required for an IPVS service in a multi cell network. 
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ingeniería

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QoS Performance Evaluation of a Real‐Time Mobile Video Surveillance in a LTE Network = Evaluación de Rendimiento de QoS de un Sistema de Video Vigilancia en una red LTE

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Imagen de apoyo de  QoS-CARE: A Reliable System for Preserving QoS Contracts through Dynamic Reconfiguration = QoS-CARE: Un Sistema Confiable para Preservar Contratos de QoS a través de Reconfiguración Dinámica

QoS-CARE: A Reliable System for Preserving QoS Contracts through Dynamic Reconfiguration = QoS-CARE: Un Sistema Confiable para Preservar Contratos de QoS a través de Reconfiguración Dinámica

Por: Gabriel Tamura Morimitsu | Fecha: 2012

The main challenge of this Thesis is to reliably preserve quality of service (QoS) contracts in component-based software systems under changing conditions of system execution. In response to this challenge, the presented contribution is twofold. The first is a model for component-based software applications, QoS contracts and reconfiguration rules as typed attributed graphs, and the definition of QoS-contracts semantics as state machines in which transitions are performed as software reconfigurations. Thus, we effectively use (formal) models at runtime to reliably reconfigure software applications for preserving its QoS contracts. More specifically, we show the feasibility of exploiting design patterns at runtime in reconfiguration loops to fulfill expected QoS levels associated to specific context conditions. We realize this formal model through a component-based architecture and implementation that can be used as an additional layer of SCA middleware stacks to preserve the QoS contracts of executed applications.  The second contribution is the characterization of adaptation properties to evaluate self-adaptive software systems in a standardized and comparable way. By its own nature, the adaptation mechanisms of self-adaptive software systems are essentially feedback loops as defined in control theory. Thus, it results reasonable to evaluate them using the standard properties used to evaluate feedback loops, re-interpreting these properties for the software domain. We define the relibility of our formal model realization in terms of a subset of the characterized adaptation properties, and we show that these properties are guaranteed in this realization.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ingeniería

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QoS-CARE: A Reliable System for Preserving QoS Contracts through Dynamic Reconfiguration = QoS-CARE: Un Sistema Confiable para Preservar Contratos de QoS a través de Reconfiguración Dinámica

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Imagen de apoyo de  Quantitative Investment Strategies in LatAm Equity Markets: Challenging the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) = Estrategias de Inversión Cuantitativas en los Mercados Accionarios de Latinoamérica: Desafiando la Hipótesis de Mercados Eficientes (HME)

Quantitative Investment Strategies in LatAm Equity Markets: Challenging the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) = Estrategias de Inversión Cuantitativas en los Mercados Accionarios de Latinoamérica: Desafiando la Hipótesis de Mercados Eficientes (HME)

Por: Nicolás Garavito Escribano | Fecha: 2019

Using LatAm data from 2000 to 2018, this research investigates asset pricing anomalies that have been found to generate outperformance globally. Specifically, we examine the Value, the Momentum, the Low Volatility, and the Quality anomaly in Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Peru, and Colombia. All anomalies are found to be profitable, but Value and Momentum are the strongest in these markets. Alternative definitions for the effects generate higher expected returns and lower standard deviations than the traditional ones. The performance of single-factor portfolios can be enhanced by combining two or more anomalies simultaneously, and the portfolio blending approach is the best method to multi-factor portfolio construction. We find that a dynamic asset allocation strategy, leveraged by the concept of Absolute Momentum, can significantly improve the Sharpe ratio of multi-factor portfolios and reduces the exposure to extremely adverse events. It also makes the distribution of monthly returns to be positively skewed. Finally, we show that single- and multi-factor portfolios may have long periods of bad performance, while a dynamic asset allocation strategy to multi-factor portfolios performs well in all business cycles. Resumen: Usando información de Latinoamérica desde el 2000 hasta el 2018, este estudio investiga anomalías que han generado retornos superiores a nivel global. Especialmente, se examina las anomalías de Valor, Momento, Baja Volatilidad, y Calidad en Brasil, México, Chile, Perú, y Colombia. Se encontró que todas las anomalías son rentables pero Valor y Momento son las más fuertes en estos mercados. Definiciones alternativas para cada efecto generan retornos esperados más altos y una menor desviación estándar que las definiciones tradicionales. El rendimiento de portafolios de un único factor se puede mejorar combinando dos ó más anomalías de forma simultánea, y la metodología de combinación por portafolios es el mejor enfoque para crear portfolios multifactoriales. Se encontró que una estrategia dinámica de asignación de activos, apalancada por el concepto de Momento Absoluto, puede significativamente mejorar la razón de Sharpe de los portafolios multifactoriales y reducir la exposición a eventos extremos adversos. Esta estrategia también hace que los retornos estén positivamente sesgados. Finalmente, se demostró que los portafolios de un único factor y multifactoriales pueden tener largos periodos de malos rendimientos, mientras que una estrategia de asignación de activos dinámica se comporta bien en todos los ciclos económicos.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Economía

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Quantitative Investment Strategies in LatAm Equity Markets: Challenging the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) = Estrategias de Inversión Cuantitativas en los Mercados Accionarios de Latinoamérica: Desafiando la Hipótesis de Mercados Eficientes (HME)

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Imagen de apoyo de  Que aventura es la lectura

Que aventura es la lectura

Por: Cielo Cristina Rojas Linares | Fecha: 2019

The project of educational intervention that adventure is the reading, result of the master in education-modality deepening-line language Castilian of the University Externado of Colombia, was carried out in the school LE D Jase Acevedo and Gómez of the locality of San Cristóbal, Bogota D. C, Colombia. The intervention sought to develop reading comprehension and encourage the enjoyment of reading in children from 4 to 5 years old garden grade through the creation and organization of the Classroom Library and the reading club that allowed to generate meeting spaces reader with companions, parents, grandparents, guardians and caregivers in which different textual typologies were explored, with varied purposes and reading modalities. Achieving to strengthen aspects such as: taste for reading, care of books, autonomy in the accomplishment of works and in the writing and to obtain positive results in the attention, the concentration and reading comprehension through the identification of characters, objects and sites, character characterization, hypothesis generation on situations, actions and the establishment of relationships between situations and lived experiences.
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia Tipo de contenido: Otros
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