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The Potential of Community Networks in Low-income Settlements to Enhance Resilience. The Case of Medellín, Colombia = El Potencial de las Redes Comunitarias en los Asentamientos de Bajos Ingresos para aumentar la resiliencia. El caso de Medellín (Colombia)


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2020
  • Idioma Inglés
Abstract: Informal and low-income settlements in several Latin American countries are located in the cities’ outskirts where the dwellers experiment high levels of socio-spatial segregation and lack of basic services that affect their livelihoods. This study aims to explore the components and dynamics of community-based organizations’ networks to understand how they contribute to building resilience in low-income settlements. Based on a literature review, the concept of resilience was operationalized to create a holistic framework that included sub-dimensions and attributes related to ecological, social and political aspects. Through an empirical research of the case of two community-based organizations networks in Medellin (Colombia), it was possible to identify characteristics of these networks (e.g. members’ structure, programs and activities) with a positive impact on resilience attributes. The findings showed that the studied community-based organizations promoted, through their programs and members, the creation of social capital represented in bonding and bridging activities that involve not only community members but also academic and governmental actors. These findings demonstrate the high potential that community-based organizations have to enhance resilience in low-income settlements in Medellin; especially in regards to social resilience and strategies to deal with violence and armed groups. The study reveals that building resilience not only depends on community members’ capacities but it can be improved when resources and knowledge from state and academic actors are combined with communities’ actions. Therefore, more collaborative projects are needed with an inclusive perspective that can allow community organizations to engage as equal partners, maintaining their independence and power.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Ana María Vivas Cáceres, "The Potential of Community Networks in Low-income Settlements to Enhance Resilience. The Case of Medellín, Colombia = El Potencial de las Redes Comunitarias en los Asentamientos de Bajos Ingresos para aumentar la resiliencia. El caso de Medellín (Colombia)", Medellín (Colombia):-, 2020. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2025-01-14.

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The Potential of Community Networks in Low-income Settlements to Enhance Resilience. The Case of Medellín, Colombia = El Potencial de las Redes Comunitarias en los Asentamientos de Bajos Ingresos para aumentar la resiliencia. El caso de Medellín (Colombia)

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