15 Minutes Before We Really Date, Vol 2
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Acceder- Idioma Inglés
- Publicado por Yen Press,
- Descripción
- Childhood friends Yuuki and Natsuha are going out for real! That means awkward attempted kisses, mixed reactions from family, and even bouts of jealousy...Dating sure is tough! Now their first holiday season as a coupleand last before they graduateapproaches. Will they be able to make romantic memories during the most wonderful time of the year"
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- "15 Minutes Before We Really Date, Vol 2", -:Yen Press,, 2024. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (https://www.bibliotecadigitaldebogota.gov.co/resources/3680922/), el día 2025-01-18.