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1/6: The Graphic Novel #1


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2024
  • Idioma Inglés
  • Publicado por OneSix Comics,
Written by Alan Jenkins and Gan Golan and illustrated by Will Rosado, 1/6 asks and answers the question: What if the January 6, 2021 Insurrection had been successful? The graphic novel chillingly illustrates how close we came to authoritarian rule in America and the threats to our democracy that we still face. In the tradition of speculative fiction from George Orwells 1984 to Margaret Atwoods Handmaids Tale to the Twilight Zone, it explores themes of autocracy, scapegoating, strategic disinformation, and more, all told through a compelling, character-driven story.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Alan. Jenkins, "1/6: The Graphic Novel #1", -:OneSix Comics,, 2024. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-12-04.

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1/6: The Graphic Novel #1

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