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Birtle and the Purple Turtles


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2024
  • Idioma Inglés
  • Publicado por Andrews McMeel,
Tootie loves tag, but the other turtles in Turtletown don't like to play. That is, until Tootie meets Teeny. Teeny LOVES tag. They have tons in common! Except one BIG thing . . . Teeny may not be a turtle at all. This adorable graphic novel is about being true to yourself, friendship, and most of all, celebrating differences. It features a Dyslexia-friendly font. "Not only are Tootie and Teeny some of the sweetest characters ever, but their friendship should serve as a blueprint for all friendships. With my whole heart, I wish for all of us to have a friend like these two, who will love, respect, and accept us for everything that we are, and all that we wish to be, flying turtle or otherwise. This whole book feels like a hug, a reassuring warm blanket of love that reminds us of the importance and of the magic that happens when our hearts and minds are open, and of the beautiful fact that we are all more alike than we are different." - Leila Boukarim, author ofZips and Eeloo Make Hummus
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Tara J.. Hannon, "Birtle and the Purple Turtles", -:Andrews McMeel,, 2024. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-05-02.

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Birtle and the Purple Turtles

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