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Zonificación de alternativas de conectividad ecológica, restauración y conservación en las microcuencas Curubital, Mugroso, Chisacá y Regadera, cuenca del río Tunjuelo (Distrito Capital de Bogotá), Colombia


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2017
  • Idioma Español
  • Publicado por Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt
Bogotá has a wide variety of natural and impacted vegetation covers, which require conservation and restoration actions to preserve the goods and services they provide as well as their biodiversity. However, a spatial analysis is necessary to locate which areas require these actions that will also become a source of information for decision making, especially in terms of conservation and connectivity between vegetation covers. We develop three models of resistance or conductance based on the quantification of physical, biotic and socio-economic criteria, defined by meetings with experts, and available cartographic resources that includes a functional analysis based on the ecological aspects of the vegetation cover and a group of mammals. The models obtained show the best conserved areas or least resistance for species and also indicate those areas with greater degradation and higher resistance. This information facilitates the zonification of restoration activities, particularly in mountain moors and transitional Andean forests. The models also complement the proposals made in the Ecological Structure of the District report with respect to connectivity, representativeness and number of protected areas, because from the functional view and the analysis of the composition and configuration of the landscape, it provides other inputs to complement the proposed strategies.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Paola J. Isaacs-Cubides, "Zonificación de alternativas de conectividad ecológica, restauración y conservación en las microcuencas Curubital, Mugroso, Chisacá y Regadera, cuenca del río Tunjuelo (Distrito Capital de Bogotá), Colombia", -:Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt, 2017. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-05-19.

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Zonificación de alternativas de conectividad ecológica, restauración y conservación en las microcuencas Curubital, Mugroso, Chisacá y Regadera, cuenca del río Tunjuelo (Distrito Capital de Bogotá), Colombia

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