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Vampirella: Year One #1


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2022
  • Idioma Inglés
  • Publicado por Dynamite,
REDISCOVER THE BEGINNINGS OF A LEGEND! Following the explosive conclusion to Vampirella/Dracula: Unholy comes the next chapter in Christopher Priests Vampirella saga! Wanted for murder, and with every demon, shaman, vampire, whack-job zealot, reporter, and law enforcement officer on Earth hunting for her, Vampirella has taken refuge in an undisclosed location where she questions why she came to our world in the first place. Critically acclaimed European artist Ergn Gndz rejoins Christopher Priest for an expanded reimagining of Forrest J Ackermans classic origin story, with framing sequences set in the present day illustrated by Giovanni Timpano, the story explores the exotic world of Drakulon, the pressures that cause Vampirella to leave, and her first days on Earth, arriving on the day of the Apollo moon landing in 1969. Lost, alone, unable to speak or read our language, Vampirella makes her first friends (Pantha, Pendragon) and runs afoul of new enemies in this multifaceted period piece that revisits the world of the original 1970s Warren stories! Discovering to her horror that her journey to Earth was actually a one-way trip, Vampirella grapples with depression and intense loneliness as she starts to build a new life and new community at the turbulent close of an unforgettable decade! Grab your go-go boots and Afro Sheen and join us for this most unusual expansion of a classic era!
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Giovanni. Timpano, "Vampirella: Year One #1", -:Dynamite,, 2022. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-05-17.

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Vampirella: Year One #1

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