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Archie: Will You Marry Me? #2


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2009
  • Idioma Inglés
  • Publicado por Archie Comics,
Full Color | 74 Screens | Issue 2 of 6 "The Wedding": This is it - the issue where Archie fans all over the world pinch themselves to see if they only dreamt last issue's tale about Archie proposing to Veronica! Well, all we can say is prepare to be shell-shocked, because not only did he propose, but in this issue, wedding bells are ringing! This is the unforgettable epic that hurtles readers into Archie's future... and it's a future where Riverdale's favorite rich girl wins his hand in marriage! With Mr. Lodge footing the bill, it's proving to be the most pectacular wedding ever to hit Riverdale... and perhaps the country! The guys all look spiffy in their tuxes, and the girls are gorgeous in their gowns... but just who is Betty's date, Henry? This emotionally-charged tale will tug at your heartstrings as you witness Archie's poignant heart-to-heart talk with Betty before the nuptials, the choked-up parents of the betrothed, and a surprise ending that will leave you speechless!
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Michael. Uslan, "Archie: Will You Marry Me? #2", -:Archie Comics,, 2009. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-05-20.

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Archie: Will You Marry Me? #2

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