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Pirate Penguin vs Ninja Chicken Vol #1


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2016
  • Idioma Inglés
  • Publicado por IDW,
Pirate Penguin vs. Ninja Chicken (Book 1): Troublems with Frenemies. So what is this book about? It's about a Pirate Penguin named Pirate Penguin and a Ninja Chicken who isn't (ninjas are too sneaky to let you know their real names. Hint: It isn't Harold.) They are the bestest of friends and also the worstest of enemies all at the same time (just like in real life! Only more cartoony of course.) I think you'll like this book, there are about a bajillion jokes inside, and it's filled with action, adventure and arguments. Sometimes the stories are really teeny, about stuff like ice cream or origami, and sometimes the story gets really epic-tastic, filled with spaceships and giant monsters and evil koalas and stuff (just like real life!). Plus, being about pirates, there are at least 17 swordfights (that's the rule with pirates). You'll just have to go ahead and read it to see if you like it, I've run out of back cover room to convince you how awesome it is anyway. (How awesome? SO AWESOME!)
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Ray. Friesen, "Pirate Penguin vs Ninja Chicken Vol #1", -:IDW,, 2016. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-05-01.

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Pirate Penguin vs Ninja Chicken Vol #1

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