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Magical History Tour #5 The Plague


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2021
  • Idioma Inglés
  • Publicado por Papercutz,
Modern day kids Annie and Nico go on a magical history tour back to explore some of the worst infectious diseases of all time. The plague has caused the loss of millions and shaped the course of history for the modern world. Together, Annie and Nico explore the history of pandemics and learn about historys most notorious pandemics to better understand todays current health crisis. Experience the ins and outs of this complicated topic with Annie and Nico as the helpful guides in this pocket-sized book.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Sylvain. Savoia, "Magical History Tour #5 The Plague", -:Papercutz,, 2021. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-04-29.

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Magical History Tour #5 The Plague

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