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Valiant 25th Anniversary 2015 FCBD Special


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  • Año de publicación 2021
  • Idioma Inglés
  • Publicado por Valiant Entertainment,
Valiant's 25th year is going to be the biggest one yet! The silver anniversary celebration begins right here on Free Comic Book Day! Bloodshot, X-O Manowar and the rest of Valiant's fearless heroes are taking center stage for a star-studded, jam-packed anniversary smash celebrating 25 years of Valiant comics! The year's can't-miss celebration officially kicks off on May 2nd in the FCBD 2015: Valiant 25th Anniversary Special - featuring two all-new stories and a myriad of never-before-seen special features chronicling Valiant's storied place in comics history! First, New York Times-bestselling writer Jeff Lemire and blockbuster artist Butch Guice chronicle the devastating fallout of The Valiant as Bloodshot rises from the ashes to unleash a never-before-seen prelude to Bloodshot Reborn! Then, Valiant superstars Robert Venditti and Rafa Sandoval throw down the gauntlet for an action-packed introduction to the world of X-O Manowar and an all-new tale of Dead Hand! Plus: Ninjak; Imperium; Divinity; Ivar, Timewalker; Rai; special guests from throughout Valiant's decades-long history; and a cavalacade of special surprises! Jump on board here to relive the ground-breaking journey that established Valiant as the largest and most acclaimed independent universe in comics - and witness the action-packed first steps toward 25 more history-making years!
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
"Valiant 25th Anniversary 2015 FCBD Special", -:Valiant Entertainment,, 2021. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-05-13.

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Valiant 25th Anniversary 2015 FCBD Special

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