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Chi's Sweet Home 3


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2021
  • Idioma Inglés
  • Publicado por Kodansha,
Chi is a michievous newborn kitten who on a leisurely stroll with her family finds herself lost and alone. Seperated from the warmth and protection of her mother, desperately attempts to reunite with her family of feral cats. When the kitten feels all hope is lost, she is found in a park by a young boy named Yohei and his mother. After taking a tumble Yohei feels just as distraught as the kitten he sees before him, and he quickly takes comfort in feeling a sense of sympathy with the cat. And before she could even know what hit her, the little kitty was picked up and soon under the protection and care of Yohei's familythe Yamada's. Every moment of their daily life is filled with something we can all cherish. In the third volume of Chi's Sweet Home, Chi has made a new friend. There is another cat in the neighborhood. This cat is the very cat that the building manager considers to be a nuisance and the same one with a reward on his head. The cat's name is Kuro; a giant of a feline. All black and with a bit of an appetite, this cat has been known to not only sneak into people's yards but he has even been bold enough to enter some apartments searching for food. Chi's first encounter with Kuro back in volume two was not a positive one. When the big cat one day walked up to the Yamada's back door, Chi was startled by its size. Kuro is so big, Chi could not even tell it is also a cat! Chi thought it was some new beast altogether. So when Youhei sees the new cat he immediately panics as he tries to protect his little buddy. Now the two cats are working together to take on the big world outside of the Yamada's apartment!
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Konami. Kanata, "Chi's Sweet Home 3", -:Kodansha,, 2021. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-05-19.

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Chi's Sweet Home 3

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