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Evaluación de resultados del programa de primera infancia en el Colegio La Belleza – Los Libertadores IED y jardines anexos


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2018
  • Idioma Español
  • Publicado por Bogotá : Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2018.
The purpose of Early Childhood ("Primera lnfancia - Pl"), is to provide comprehensive atention that enables the care, health, nutrition and cognitive development required by children under six (6) years old, according to their life cycle and their particularities, (World Forum on Education, Dakar, 2000) Under this premise, this research work evaluates the results in the implementation of the IP program in the beneficiar·ies of School "La Belleza - Los Libertadores IED" and Annex Kinder gardens, in the 4th locality - San Cristobal, UPZ - 51 Los Libertadores. Focusing the study on the pedagogical and nutritional component. proposed in Law 1804 of 2076. "From Zero to Always" ("De Cero a Siempre") The evaluation made in this work is based on the CIPP model of Stufflebeam. This model allows us to focus particularly on the context and the product of the program to be evaluated, identifying the beneficiaries in the two components. According to the results obtained in this evaluation and in relation to the objectives of the research, a set of conclusions and recommendations is presented, to account for the results in their beneficiaries and to propose decisions that contribute to the improvement of the program in the institution.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Nelsy Yaneth Mora Romero, "Evaluación de resultados del programa de primera infancia en el Colegio La Belleza – Los Libertadores IED y jardines anexos", -:Bogotá : Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2018., 2018. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-04-26.

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Evaluación de resultados del programa de primera infancia en el Colegio La Belleza – Los Libertadores IED y jardines anexos

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