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Propuesta de un plan estratégico de seguridad y privacidad de la información para el Departamento Administrativo de la Función Pública (DAFP)


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2020
  • Idioma Español
  • Publicado por Bogotá : Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2019.
This research work had its origin in improving the information security and privacy component in the Administrative Department of the Public Function, taking into account the lnformation Security and Privacy Model - MSPI, with the transformation of the lnformation Strategy Government Online to the Digital Government policy, led by the ICT Ministry. In fact, the analysis obtained from the realization of a diagnosis allowed to confirm that the entity is at an average maturity level with respect to the industry. One of the causes of this degree of maturity of security and privacy of information is that the areas and dimensions that are constantly exposed to risks and vulnerabilities of different nature, which affect the performance of the entity, are not identified. Taking these aspects into account, we began by investigating the strengthening of the security and privacy of information in the entities, an activity that allowed us to identify the criteria to protect the privacy of information and data, as well as of processes and people linked to such information.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Ivonne Johana Quesada Pérez, "Propuesta de un plan estratégico de seguridad y privacidad de la información para el Departamento Administrativo de la Función Pública (DAFP)", -:Bogotá : Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2019., 2020. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-04-27.

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Propuesta de un plan estratégico de seguridad y privacidad de la información para el Departamento Administrativo de la Función Pública (DAFP)

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