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Content area teachers´ knowledge co-construction about bilingual education: An opportunity for professional development


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2019
This interpretative and descriptive study describes the insights of eight content area teachers about bilingual education while participating in a Teachers’ Study Group designed as an informal space for teachers’ professional development. The main objectives of this research were to uncover ways by which teachers constructed their understanding of bilingual education and to understand teachers´ reflections about their bilingual practices through pedagogical discussions. Audio recordings from the study group discussions held in nine pedagogical meetings with the teachers, were the main source of data collection. Findings suggest that spaces for teachers’ knowledge co-construction and for reflection on pedagogical issues serve as a platform for professional growth. They are necessary within schools´ agendas and should be planned based on teaching and learning goals. Results indicate that collaborative work among teachers is fundamental to ensure the success of bilingual programs. The results also inform us that informal teachers’ professional development programs can be spaces where teachers can learn about the bilingual underpinnings of a program, share pedagogical experiences and learn from colleagues to enrich their personal teaching repertoire.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Paola Andrea Méndez Flórez, "Content area teachers´ knowledge co-construction about bilingual education: An opportunity for professional development", -:-, 2019. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-04-20.

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Content area teachers´ knowledge co-construction about bilingual education: An opportunity for professional development

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