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Storytelling & Story-Reading: a way to Enhance EFL Students' Literacies.


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2016
The present qualitative action research study was conducted to describe the effects of storytelling and story reading on the improvement of reading comprehension and written production of eighth grade students of a public school located in Venecia neighborhood. Students were reluctant to participate in class due to lack of vocabulary, the monotony of the lessons, and lack of meaningful activities. In the pedagogical intervention, three stories were used, and students were involved in teacher’s storytelling and story reading activities. The instruments used for collecting data were students’ artifacts, field notes from class observation, transcription of audio recordings, and a survey. For the purpose of data analysis, the grounded theory was used as a means to describe and analyze students’ comprehension of the stories told and read and their written production when they responded to story comprehension activities in groups. Findings suggest that group story reading may have a significant positive effect on learners’ reading comprehension. In addition, both storytelling and story reading enhance students’ creativity, as well as their English language written production.

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Storytelling & Story-Reading: a way to Enhance EFL Students' Literacies.

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