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Teachers’ Conceptualization of Information and Communication Technology - ICT


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2016
This exploratory case study was carried out in order to identify, analyze and describe the conceptualization of six teachers about Information and Communication Technology tools and how those conceptualizations were implemented into their teaching practices. The data was collected by means of a questionnaire, an unstructured interview, and teachers’ lesson plans. Such conceptualizations were analyzed from the perspectives of Sawyer and Chen’s characterization of ICT (2002) and Venkatesh & Davis (2002) Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). These two frameworks were used based on the content analysis method in which both merged with the data collected as to analyze the teachers’ cognition of the ICT (conceptualization) and also in their practices (perceived usefulness in TAM).

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Teachers’ Conceptualization of Information and Communication Technology - ICT

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