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Las Implicaciones de los Intercambios No-Convencionales en un Curso de Inglés Como Lengua Extranjera. Un Análisis Discursivo Basado en la Etnografía del Aula


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2015
This project sought to address a learning environment at a language institute in Bogota by analyzing interaction in the unconventional exchanges that emerged within the development of speaking activities. Through the observation of classes of a basic level by exploring interaction using the tradition of classroom ethnography. This Project looked into the learning environment of a language class at the Instituto de Lenguas de la Universidad Distrital (Hereafter ILUD). It analysed naturalistic data of unconventional interaction exchanges emerging during speaking activities through field notes, post-facto notes, audio and video – recordings of students’ based responses. Interpretations of discursive elements were coded with parameters taken from classroom ethnography and grounded theory. The main interactional pattern found described unconventional interactional abilities to generate effective communication processes. Three areas for description emerged: 1. Using humor within exchanges, 2. Code – switching for classroom involvement, 3. Using slangs to facilitate communication. The analysis unveiled unconventional exchanges as moments that facilitate and are preparatory for language learning. A constant process of reflection upon behavior and interaction, based partly on the grounded theory, directed the interest towards the moments in which unconventional, unexpected exchanges emerged, to see how they contributed to the language learning process. Educative researchers may find here a relevant educative issue to address because unconventional exchanges and their exploration move along the pragmatic, sociolinguistic and cultural aspects created in language learning classrooms.

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Las Implicaciones de los Intercambios No-Convencionales en un Curso de Inglés Como Lengua Extranjera. Un Análisis Discursivo Basado en la Etnografía del Aula

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