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Sinthetic cast and transcortical pins to reduce a fracture in the third metacarpal bone in a foal = Yeso sintético y clavos transcorticales para reducir una fractura en el hueso tercer metacarpiano en una potra


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2018
  • Idioma Portugués
The equines have an appendicular skeleton which has a group of long bones, to develop high speeds, and avoid predators. These bones are targets for traumas and fractures. Their treatment and prognosis are direct influenced by the body weight. The external skeletal fixation is a therapeutic method used in horses for the treatment of third metacarpal / metatarsal bone fractures, and conminuted distal fractures. The external fixation methods mix the use of transcortical pins and a periferic structure, to direct the force to the proximal portion of the fractured region while the limb bears weight, a very important aspect in horses, because they need to bear weight although it exists an osseus injury. With the use of a sinthetic cast, three transcortical smooth pins with 4 mm of diameter, inserted with a range of 15 to 30° on the dorsal/palmar plane of the distal third of the radius, and three transcortical smooth pins of 4,5 mm of diameter, inserted with a range of 15 a 30° on the dorsal/palmar plane of the proximal third of the third metacarpal bone, was reduced a fracture in the proximal portion of the third metacarpal bone. In addition, it compromised the fourth carpal bone and the carpometacarpal joint of the left forelimb of a thoroughbred weanling foal of five months old. The goal of the procedure, was to allow the allignment of the limb and stabilize the joint which has less movement in the carpus. The external fixation was maintained during two months, and then, it was determined the use of the specimen for breeding aims.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Juan José Restrepo Bucheli, "Sinthetic cast and transcortical pins to reduce a fracture in the third metacarpal bone in a foal = Yeso sintético y clavos transcorticales para reducir una fractura en el hueso tercer metacarpiano en una potra", Brasil:-, 2018. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-04-24.

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Sinthetic cast and transcortical pins to reduce a fracture in the third metacarpal bone in a foal = Yeso sintético y clavos transcorticales para reducir una fractura en el hueso tercer metacarpiano en una potra

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