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Case study: ib diploma programme during the procurement of university access and successful experience in further university studies = Estudio de caso: el programa ib diploma en la consecución de acceso a la universidad y experiencia exitosa en los estudios universitarios


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2017
  • Idioma Inglés
With the combination of intensive and extensive methods in accordance with the critical realism approach, this case study constitutes an attempt to reveal the generative mechanisms involved when procuring the two promises of the Diploma Programme: as pathway to higher or tertiary education and its subsequent success during further university studies. These generative mechanisms are not observable in the empirical domain, but reachable in the real and actual domain. In this sense, the IB candidates possesses casual powers derived from the Diploma Programme that can remain unexercised or are actualized during the interaction with other entities, in this case the application to university and the consequent further university studies. Sixteen questionnaires and interviews were developed to unveil what mechanisms come at work during these two phases. Participants involved in the case study were pupils undertaking the Diploma Programme in order to see how this is being conceived and consumed, teachers to gain deeper perspective of this curriculum and finally IB graduates enrolled at least in one university course to complement and obtain rich insights about these causal powers. A qualitative analysis of both methods was carried out to identify demi regularities in the questionnaires and recurrent themes in the interviews to confirm and broaden the former ones. The case study concludes revealing and highlighting those most important elements that comprise the rationale of this curriculum choice in relation to the pursuit of university admission process and success during the experience of further university studies.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Javier Eduardo Torres Saez, "Case study: ib diploma programme during the procurement of university access and successful experience in further university studies = Estudio de caso: el programa ib diploma en la consecución de acceso a la universidad y experiencia exitosa en los estudios universitarios", Gran Bretaña:-, 2017. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-05-20.

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Case study: ib diploma programme during the procurement of university access and successful experience in further university studies = Estudio de caso: el programa ib diploma en la consecución de acceso a la universidad y experiencia exitosa en los estudios universitarios

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