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  • Tesis

Transition towards sustainable urban waste management, rescaling recycling governance in Colombia. The case of Bogotá = Transición hacia la gestión sostenible de residuos solidos urbanos, ajustando la escala de la gobernanza del reciclaje en Colombia. Bogotá como estudio de caso


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2017
  • Idioma Inglés
Under the current 2030 agenda, Urban Waste Management (WM) systems are facing the challenge to become more sustainable. However, the increases in the already overwhelming quantities of waste generation, the difficulties implementing efficient recycling programs, and the large social, economic and environmental impacts resulting from the unfitting management are in the order of the day. Additionally, recycling has been for years an informal and profitable activity of vulnerable and marginalized communities. Notably, "informal" recyclers from many developing countries are engaging in bottom-up pressures to reach social, environmental and economic recognition of their activity. This thesis outlines how current challenges for SDG's implementation are reflected in a concrete problem at the country level in where poverty reduction and resource management global objectives need to be deescalated. Therefore the thesis presents the results of a systemic analysis that by using transition studies/frameworks focus on the dynamics of change and actors’ interactions in Bogotá WM system, placing country reality, actors, institutions, and system vision as essential elements of a transition towards a more sustainable end. The analysis concludes that it is necessary to achieve flexibility to adapt local conditions and stability to attain objectives while hypothesizing that to facilitate the transition are needed processes of participative learning and knowledge creation, inducing the coordination of institutions and actors.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Monica Villegas Gnecco, "Transition towards sustainable urban waste management, rescaling recycling governance in Colombia. The case of Bogotá = Transición hacia la gestión sostenible de residuos solidos urbanos, ajustando la escala de la gobernanza del reciclaje en Colombia. Bogotá como estudio de caso", Colombia:-, 2017. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-07-27.

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Transition towards sustainable urban waste management, rescaling recycling governance in Colombia. The case of Bogotá = Transición hacia la gestión sostenible de residuos solidos urbanos, ajustando la escala de la gobernanza del reciclaje en Colombia. Bogotá como estudio de caso

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