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Play Methodologies = Metodologías del Juego


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2017
  • Idioma Inglés
This project starts with a lari. A street cart, very common in many urban contexts of India. This project begins by proposing alternatives to appropriate public spaces and offer resources to confront scarcity (while harnessing frugality). Is a proposal for moving markets; changing spaces we could dare to call moving homes. This is a project of essential, minimum design, frugal prototyping and collaborative explorations. A project of learning and sharing that, almost coincidentally, results in enquiries of architectural theory. A proposition of methodologies based on the essential action of play; of participating, negotiating and, ultimately, changing the world with small, collective gestures. A ponder into issues of knowledge production in the global south, in parallel to a political initiative of decolonizing: decolonizing the mind by structuring our own methods of thought, capitalising on our capabilities and rearranging our priorities as spatial agents. This is an inquest into the technology of jugaad -an attitude of frugal improvisation and innovation widely used in India- which accounts for great possibilities of use in the field of design, of spatial practice. A reconsideration of reutilizing those existing thought+material processes, within our field of practice. A gap in that field, in which we can play.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Sebastian Trujillo Torres, "Play Methodologies = Metodologías del Juego", India:-, 2017. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-05-15.

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Play Methodologies = Metodologías del Juego

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