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A relational poverty approach in Biomimicry production systems = Una aproximación desde la pobreza relacional a sistemas de producción basados en biomímiesis


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2016
  • Idioma Inglés
Current sustainability models rely on the triple line approach, in which economic growth, environmental sustainability and social are fundamental pivots. In recent years, the model of Biomimicry has emerged as a sustainable option of production, challenging the industrial revolution in which resource depletion and maximization of profits are key .At present , economic growth and environmental benefits has been well documented, however little is known about how social justice can be impacted by this biomimicry production systems. In the present study, a framework has been created with the purpose of assessing biomimicry production systems (BPS) in terms of social justice. In specific, an approach of poverty that has been gaining attention in the past decades and which represent poverty as a result of social relations has been used for its construction. The framework has then been done to understand the extent to which BPS can disrupt relational poverty (RP). As a study case, the polyculture quinoa production systems in the South America altiplano is presented. Evidence shows that these ancient farming systems have disruption effects on RP mechanisms with different intensities. This model of production rivals monocroping areas in areas like the Peruvian coast in terms of the avoidance relations that perpetrate poverty and of diversity, a fundamental aspect of Biomimicry. Other beneficial relations relate to moral economy were found as opportunities for these BPS’s. The framework generated here can be used to analyse other BPS in terms of social justice, it is robust and covers much of the aspects involved in power relations, agency and empowerment.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Jorge Marcelo Aráus Patiño, "A relational poverty approach in Biomimicry production systems = Una aproximación desde la pobreza relacional a sistemas de producción basados en biomímiesis", Perú:-, 2016. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-09-12.

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A relational poverty approach in Biomimicry production systems = Una aproximación desde la pobreza relacional a sistemas de producción basados en biomímiesis

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