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Exploring the Impact of Studying Abroad in Relation to Global Citizenship Skills Development, Focusing on Four Students’ Motivation And Experiences Doing a Masters in Education


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2015
  • Idioma Inglés
Studying abroad implies not only academic interaction, but also living through life experiences in a new country. Thus, this qualitative research attempts to be a starting point for those interested in students’ perceptions about studying abroad and how this develops their global citizenship skills.Four student experiences were analysed through semi-structured interviews, to examine the opportunities and challenges the students faced while living and studying abroad and what their perceptions are towards global citizenship.Furthermore, it is explored how their global citizenship skills are developed, after the living abroad experience. There were three significant findings of the study: firstly, student ideas of global citizenship were more positive among the students from developing countries, than those who came from developed countries. Secondly, students from developing countries experienced more academic and social challenges than those from developed countries.Thirdly, it was evidenced that the experience of studying abroad developed students’ global citizenship skills, regardless of their countries background – developed or developing. The four participants were a male and a female from developed countries and a male and a female from developing countries. All of them were pursuing their MA degree in education at Bath Spa University at the time of this research.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Martín Felipe Suárez Guarín, "Exploring the Impact of Studying Abroad in Relation to Global Citizenship Skills Development, Focusing on Four Students’ Motivation And Experiences Doing a Masters in Education", -:-, 2015. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-05-03.

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Exploring the Impact of Studying Abroad in Relation to Global Citizenship Skills Development, Focusing on Four Students’ Motivation And Experiences Doing a Masters in Education

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